Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

of the will lie in Pafsian or Action? And if they are acts , Whether they can be the Subjects of Pafsion ; and be pafsive Acts ? So that yet I cannot find out your pafsive Faith. 3. But yet further, if Faith be pafsive Phyfically, let, us find out firm what is the Agent ? What the Action ? 3, What the Patient or Object ? 4, What is°the..Terminus ad quern ? I. I doubt not but it is agreed that the Agent is God for it is he that jutiifieth. 2.. I he terminus or rés martsfac`la is two-fold. I. ,j unification infenru legie, commonly called con itutive 3uf1ifac,ation ( pafsive. ) - `1'tsblagite Miifäcation by plea andfentencsat 7adgement ( pafsive ) 3. The Aciion matt be therefore two-fold, or two Actions according to the two- fold Terminus. Yea in the former we may ( if we accurately confider ie ) find out a two-fold //Rion and Terminus, though thedifference be narrow : Inwhich we are to confider, I. Of the Inftrurnent. 2. And the nature of the A&ions. i. The Inftrumentis the word of Promífe or Grant in the Gofpel ( for if you know any other way of Gods juftifying,or any immedi- ate Aft of God hereinwhich is franfient,Iwould it were reveal- ed what A& it is. ) Herein I have Mr. Rutherford laying as I , over and over ágainft the Antinamians. 2. The Aftion there- fore can-be no other then a moral Action, as a Leafe or Bond, or written-Lawmay be faid to act. Now the Gofpel perform- eth to our firft Juftification a two-fold Action. a . It doth as a Deed of Gift beftowChrift and his Merits onmen, fo it be theywill Believe. This Action Both not immediately and di- rectly +cont'itute them Righteous,: for Righteoufnefs being a Relation, mutt have its Foundation firft laid : This Act there- foreof Donation (which forne call Imputation) doth directly lay the Fundanaentutm,vwhence the Relation of Righteous Both immediately arife (when the Condition is peformed ) per nu- darn refnitantiam without any other Act to produce it. And this is moft properly called 7uflificatio conflitutiva al-fivq. z. When the Gofpel hula by Gift conftituted us Righteous, then next in order it Both declare or pronounce ús Righteous, and vertually acquit usfrom Condemnation. This is by the like (lent moral interpretative Actiononly as the other. ( And per- D d 2 haps