Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

naps m iy he molt tidy called the imputingof Ri.ghteoufnefs, or efteerningus Righteousias Pircaror. ) And for the latter Juli- fication at Judgement, theAction is Chrifts publique p!eading, and fentencing us Acquits : which is an Action both Phy- fical and Moral in feveral refpens 4. Now if we enquire af- ter the Patierar, ol rather theMie& of thefe leyeral A&s, we quckly find that the Man is that Obje& ; but that Faith is any Patient here, is patt my apprehenfion. For the firft of Godby the [ giving Chrift andhis Merit to us, it is only a moral Anion : ( Though the writting and fpeaking the Word at firft was a Phyfical anion , yet the Word or Pro- mile now cloth moraliter tantisim agere : ) And therefore it is impofsible that Faith fhould be Phyfically pafsive from it. For Pafsion being an effect of Action, it muft be a Phyfical proper Action which produceth a phyfical Parsion. I will not ftand to make your Affertionodious here by enquiring what Phyfical ef- fective Influx, Contact, &c. here is, which fhould manifeft Faith to be phyfically Pafsive. I know in the Work of effec- tual vocation the Soul is firft pafsive : but that is nothing to our Question , whether Faith be pafsive in Jullification. Do but tell me plainly grail mitts?. flies and, you do; the Bull- ne fs. But what if you had only laid. that Faith is morallypaffive; and not pWicaldy ? I anfwer.' It had been lefs harth to me, though not fit, nor to the point. For i. Gods Jufltacation nor Donation of. Chriii, is not properly of, or to Faith ; for then Faith thouldbe made righteous and jullified hereby; btit to the perfon, if he Believe. 2. Befides if you fhould confefs only a moral Pafsivenefs (which is'fomewhat an add phrafe and norion,and is but tobe the Object of a moral Action) it would fpoil all the common arguments drawn from the phyfical nature, of Faith, and its foie excellency herein in apprehending, re- ceiving, &e. and thereby jullifying. And you would bring in all other Graces towhich the fame Promife may as well be faid to be made. 3. TheTruth I have and further than mani- fa to be this, that as it is not to faith or any other act that Righteoufnefs is given, but to the perlon on condition heBe- lieve ; fo this- condition is no pafsion but an action, or di- vers