( 2-05 vers actions. This will fully appear in the 'Theological Reafons followingAn the mean time I need not flared on this becaufe you exprers your felf that Faith is phy/.7cally Wive. Indeed you add ti or hyperplqfically j but though I meet with Tome Philofophers, that uf in fuch cafes to give [ hyperpb2fice as a tertum to overthrow the flifEciency or the uiftincrionof phyfi- ce &moraliter, yet I fuppofe that is none of your meaning, who know that even /nrelletius dum efficit intclIcRionfm, voluntas volitionem, funt cawfx phflce it Suarez, 1. Tom. difp..7.§. 2. p. 260. and fo Schibler, and many more : yea and that our Divines conclude that Gods action on our fouls in converfi- on is fiat Phyfical which yet may be as truly and fully called . hyperphyfic.al ss our Faith,. Now for the ,fecond action of the Gofptl , [ decla- ring or pronerolcing the Believer righteous, awl fo dc ju- re acquit1i.6g, him ; It is much more beyond my reach to conceive how faith can in refpect of it be pafsive : For I. Betides that it is a moral action as the former, and fo cannot of it felf produce a phyfical pafsion, 2. It doth not therein fpeak of or to faith, pronouncing it jai: and 2c- quitting it, but of and to the Believer. So that if Faith were phyfically pafsive in the fcirmcr, yet here it is impofsible. . If you fay that it is phyfically (or morally)pafsive in regard of the latter full Juftification by reticence at Judgement, you would tranfcend my capacity moil of all. To fay faith is the Patient of Chrifis judiciary publique fentence,is a fenrence that Mall never bean article of my Faith ; and is fo grofs,that I con- jecture you would take it ill if I flaould take it to be your mean- ing : therefore I will fay no more agaiuft ir. Nowyou know that this is ( as youfay in your Left. ) the moll comp/et ?uni- fication; and which I moft Rand upon : and therefore if your arguments fait ir refpect of this they yield rue almoft all I expect. Next I will tell yOu my Reafons Theological why I believe'not that juftifying faith, as fuch,is pafsive. i. All Divines and the Scripture it felf bath perfwaded me, that Chrift and the Pro- miles are the Object of tlfs Faith ; but a Pafsion. bath no Ob. jeer, but a fabject, &c. Therefore according to youChria, (rc. D d 3 is