is not the object ofit ; which is contrary to all that T have heard orread. 2. I haveread Divines long contending Which is the Act of juftifying faith qua tali. And force fay one and tome another; but all fay one,or other,or many. Now you cut the knot, and contradict all, in making it (at leaít patent's 714- fifcans) no Act at all, but a Pa f ion : uniefs you will fay- it is a pa(rive act, which I dare not imagine. And doubtlefs thefe Divines Phewby their whole fpeech that by Actus Fidel, they mean dctus[ecundass vel Actio, and not Attus priwus vel enti- tativusvelaccidentals,fiveut informans, five utoperativos, fed ip, faoperario. 3.1 am truly afraid left by entertaining this opinion I fhould strike in not only with the Antiosrians (who cannot endure to bear ofany conditions of life ofour performing ,but even with the Libertines,who tell me to my face, that man is but Pafsive, andas the foul Ads- the body, fo Chrift in them moveth the foul to Good, and Satan to evil, while they are meerly Paf five, and therefore the Devil thall be damned for fin who committeth it in them , and not they ; for who will bite the frone or beat the llaff,or bé angry at the fword ? &c. 4.Elfe you must deprefs the excellent grace of faith belowall other, in making it meerly Pafsive while others are alive "For doubtlefs life and excellency is more in Adion then Pag fion. S. If believing be only fuffering , then all Infidels are damned only for not fuffering,which is horrid. 6. -Scripture frequently condemnethwicked men for Adion, for Rebellion, Refuting, RejedingChri(t, Luke 19.27. They hate him and fay,we will not have this man reign over us, &c, and this is their unbelief. Iftheyrefilled the Holy Ghoít only Paf "vè 6 no e.11livé , then it would be only an ineptitudo materiel, which is in all alike at firft, and foall fhould be alike rejecters. 7. Iftobelieve be but Pati,then it is God and not man that- fhould beperfwaded : For perfwalon is either" to Action or forbearing Action ; and God is the Agent : But iris in vain to perfwade any to be Pafsive, except it be not to ftrive againft