107 againft it. This thererore would Overthrow much of the ufe of the Miniílry. 8. And then when Chri(f fo ektolleth doing the üill òfGod, and doinghis Commancimentr, &c. you will exclude juflifying faith, as being no dung. 9. Is it credible, that when Chrift call faith Obeying the Gof"pel, and faith, This u the work of God, thatye believe on him ugh^m thefather path fent; and calls it the work offait h, z 7heft I, t r. and faith, Godgiveth totvih, (that is, to believe) and to do, &c. that all this is meant of mPer Pafsion ? I undertake to bring forty places of Scripture that llaev faith to be. Action. i o. It feemeth to me fo great a debating ofFaith, as to make it to be no vertue at all, nor to have any moral good in it. For though I have read of Pufio perfec iv.a i i entire enti4 vel nature, and conducible tovertue ; Yet am I not convinced yet that any Pafsion as fuchs hash any moral vertue in ir. Indeed Pafsionmay be -the quafs rateriale, but the verrue is in Acti- on. Yea,_even in non-acting, ( as filence) the venue lies formally in the actual exercise of the Authority of Reafon, and fo obeying God in caulng that filence. Sure if men (hall be all judged according ro'therr works, and according to what they have done, then it will not be becaufe they did ei- ther Pari vel non pats. And thus you have force ofmy reafons why I cannot believe that Relieving is pafSion, nor (hall be- lieve it I think, till Credere be Pati , and then I may whe- ther I will or no, becaufe pati vel non raj are not in my choice. 3. The third Queflion is vv he.therfaith be p.irsive i<r its infirm- mentality ? And I think that is out ofdoubt, if my former arguing have proved that faith is nor paffive at all:or if I next prove that faith is no phyftcal inflrument. Put yet if I fhould grant both that faith is pafsive, and that k is an I4frumens, vet muff t have either more or lefs Logickbefore I can believe that it is pafsiv* i» its infirssmentality. My reafons againft it are thefe. i. Every Intcrumnental caufe is an efficient caufe : but all true efficiency is by aetion there- ä