r1! zog therefore all inffrumental ity is by aftion.That caufalit f effJen- tQ eft Actio ; &La. eft formaper quam denominator efficiens;quia agent 6 efficientfont ides &c. I have been taught fo oft and fo confidently that I believe it , ( For oporter cifcertemcredere ) and that by Philolophers orno mean ef1eem,as Suarez Tom. r. c#ifp. i8.1,to. Javel. et.tpb t: ,9.q. i6. Conim. Colleg. `Ploy% 1. 2.9. 6. art. Z. 7. Scaliger. Exerit. 2S4. Aatsiots, 'svio, norrece,1Llelanúh.ZanchiujZi6arel, Pererrrir,Schibler, Scieriae ÿu. Tempell. in limn. with many more. And if there be no fuch thing in reurn natur,a as a Paf'ive iu/irrasnert, then faith is pone fuch. I know ICeckcr,is. Aßed. Burgerrdicius do talk o+ a Pa'lîve infcrumenc ; but I think in proper fpeech, is is a . contradition,in aiijertc and lay as SchiblcrMetaphy/:l. t.estp.12. Tit. 7.p. 3 19. lili/I Actionem propriamhaberet`1xi (trumentun, ef- ficieni no Or; & jr oinde p:9fsivurn in¡frumentutrrgtsod ICcck, erm. voc.4t, revers inftromentwm non eft. Et ut idem ,Topic: cap. a rgm. 3 4. I.;frrtsmcnturn totomhoc habet quad ad caufam ie- tem adjavantem (adgmsam refrrirtawf caufàrn infriementalem) rt- g,srritur. Ratio enim cornmunis ill.trun eft h.^. Defervire opt.. rationi p;,rlcip.tlis age ntis per sslteriorem operationem. Et Liam, Topic.cap.2.num. 6. er. rin effcientis CaufalitaiAFíio ?Refp.. 1ta ponitur in Theor. 36. & fentit ita h)die t ,1ximl pars Logi- cer it & 'J ^Zetaphyfi;orsitn. ï id'e altra pro confirmations 41. nts.9. Sic eti tm cap. 3. slim. i;6. So that if?nog Logician' judge that there is no paffive inftrumert, and confequently that faith is no Pafsive inftrument, then who is more angular, you or I ? For fure,Nib l e!f. faifkr,v in Tlieologi.f, good serum ell in Philofophia. I deny not but the foul in believing is both Pafsive and int ru- mertal, but in leveral relpects : as ifC..mery'; wayíhould hold of infufir;g grace into the will Mediante actione intelleEtuf, then the intellect would be Pafsive orlecriving grace into it \fe.lf, and an in,/lrum, cs:t ofconve}'ing it to the will : but then it Would be noPa dive but an Active iniirument : and the actionofGod on the Pafsive inteilccc.and of the intellect on the will,are two Acti- ons wich difinct eff:cts. 2. Though there were fuch a thing in the world as aPafsive infirument, yet thatfaith fuck, and that phj,ical, I .,dare fay. is either anunfit affercion, or elfe I amof :a itupid ap- pre-