(2,10) pxeben oneft phri: None pleadeth for more : But faith is not 4ich.:. And fsa it would receive Chrift nootherways then it re- ceiveth any object whatfoever it thus apprehendeth. 3. And this is not to receive (Thrift or his righteoufnefs, but the weer fpecies ofit according toyour own Philofophers, (andif righ- tcouänefs be but a relation ; and a relation, as Durandus Dr. Twitsand many another think be but Ens Rationzs, then the fpecies of an Ens Rationio is a very curious Web) Knowledge (as `.D'Orbellis faith in 2lent.Dif 3. q3.) is twofold,i. e. (en. fit ive and intelleílive ; andeach ofthefe twofold, Intuitive and Abfrraitive. Intuitive knowledge is indeed de òbjeEto ut in fè prafens; quandofcilices res inpropria extftentia eft per fe motiva .Exemplum defenfitiva eft,ut vifus videt colorem : (yet this is but Recepiendo fpeciem, non rem) and this is not it inqutftion) : Exemplum de intellaliva eft, ut vifïo Divine eff'entia à beatis : This is utterly denyed to be at all by Doctor Stoughton, Camer, andother fòltd Divines, againft the School-mens judge- ment : And if it be,yet doubtlefs as we know not how, fo it is not fuch as faiths apprehenfion, which we enquire after, Cognitio AWit. aEtiva 'eft quando fpecies rei mozíet adcognofcen- dam rem ipfam, & hoc five res fit in fe prafens , five abfene, five exi(tat five non : Exemplum infenfitiva eft at phantafa imaginatur colorem : Exemplum in intelle1 iva efi ut intelle- Etur cognof it quidditatem coloris medicanteejus fpecie. So that if it be either of thefe, it were at the utmoft but a paffive ream ception of the fpecies, and not of Chrift or his righted oufnefs. 2. By what phyfical contas faith dotbreceive this? might beenquired : and 3. By what phyfical ati of the Agent ? to neither of which queftíons can 3 imagine what tolerable answer can be given, in defence of this catìfe. 2. And iffaith be a pafiive phi (ical infirnnaent, it mutt have a `Fbyfscal Efficiency ? and what is that ? to juftifie ? why, even God himfelf in this life doth that but by a Moral Aft (by his word) and not by a phyfical, (as to parti- culars,) 3. But that which 'driveth me . to the greatef}, admiration is, How'faith fhould.ficere pat'endo I If I fhóuld rip up this, or