Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

2 I I ) or require a demonflration of it in ref pea to the j uftificaiiorìat judgement, yea, or in this life, yea or of any effed, 1 fboutd lay fuck an odium on it from its abfurdities, chat in dealingwith you, modetly doth forbid meto infift on it, 4. The fourth re- quifite will b: enquired after in the next Q4Lieition fav` one. The fourth Quei}ion is', Whether. other graces may not be as properly called phyfical paßïve Inßruments as Faith , i:1 y:ur fenfe ? And I doubt not but they may , ( though its true of nei- ther) For z. If there be no phyfical reception of Chrifts righteoufnefs imaginable but that which is per modest); ob- je6li , and if other gracious ads have Chrifts righteouf- nefs for their objeá, as well as that which you call faith ; then other A&s do receive Chritts righteoufnefs as well as faith : but both branches of the Anteced:.nt are true, therefore the confequence, the bare knowledge or fimple apprehenfion of Chrifts righteoufnefs per modem objecti may better pretend to this, then recombency or affiance : Yea , and love it felf more fitly then affiance may be laid to receive or embrace its object (which is not therefore false neither becaufe Bellarmine hath it : and you knowhe brings Außines plain words, affirm, ing love to be the hand by which they received him , &c.) I confefs if I firfl renounce not the concurrent Judgement of Philofophers, I cannot approve-of the common Anfwer which our Divines give to 73ellarmine in this,viz.[That Faith receiveth Cbrifis Righteoufnefsfirf to make it ours, but Love only to retain it, and embrace and enjoy it When f rß we know it tobe ours : For though this fay as much as I need to plead for, acknowledgingLove to be as properly a phylical Recepti- on for retention, as Faith is for firft Poffefsion,yet ifaffiance be taken in any proper ordinary fence, it cannot thus head good neither.: for fo fiance muff fignifie fome adof thewill irt, order of natureafter love, or at leaft not before ir. I acknow- ledge that fo muchof Faith as lyeth in the underfianding is be- fore Love in order of nature; ficut ipfeintelleelus ell firnplicker prior voleentate,utmotivuors mobili,& attivum p 2fvo, ut Aquin. a. q.g. 2.a. 3.2. emnd i z. q. i 3. a. i.C. For as he, Intelle&tus efl, E e 2 prlrilutn