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prirtstrr.a mativum ors.riursa potentiariunaanir4e quoal determa,;aç;- eraem anti!, volurtas verb q'toadexercitium aElus, A quint 2. q. I 7. a. I . C. But for the acts of the will toward Chriit, I could give you ( but to avoid tedioufnefs I mull forbear ) at large the Teftimony of e,4quinas, Toler, gerfon, Ccimero, Amefus,Zass, cháus, Rob. Baronius, Bradwardine, Ravio, yigueriu.r, &c. i hat Love is not only the firli ofall the Paflions,buteven the firft roo-. tion of the Will towards its Object,and little or not at all diffe- rent from Volition, diligere being but intenfive volle. i have much more to, fay to this, which here I mull pretermit. But hill fpeak not of Love as a Pafsion, but a true clafure,. as it were of the will with its Object as Çood : and expect love to be pro- per to the fenfitive, and ftrange to the intellective foul; we mug make it the fame with Velle : For Amor & gaudirsm in quantum fignificant AEtets appetites fenfitivi; p4f sones ftant ; non autem fecaandem quod fignificant Ac`lus appetites ántel.'eliuà, quit Aquinas. i.q.z.a.I. i. The fifth Qu RA eftion is, whether Faith be y Infirument of our ?unification ? Anfuer, Scotsei gives many fences of the word Infirument, and fo doth e/1quinaa, Schibler, and molt Philofophers that meddle with it : and they give fome fo large, as contain all caufes in the worldunder God the firft caufe;In fo large a fence, if any will call faith an Inftrument ofJutlification I will not contend with him; though yet I will not fay fo -my felf , as judging faith to be nokind of caufe of it at all;but in the proper ordinary fence, as an lnftrument, fignifieth ('aufamqua innuit in e ffectum per virtl tom inferioris rationis, as Suarez, Stierius, ,Arnifæus, &c. Vel IInftrumentzem eft quad ex direaione Alterios principalis agentir influìt ad produce:dun' tffectum fe nobiliary'',. ut Schibler, &c. So I utterly deny Faith to be an Inflrument. But I will firfl quetlion whether it be a phytical Instrument.. 2. Whether a moral ? 1. And for the firlI I have done it already : for Peeing our acute Divines have ceafed to lay any daim to it as an aElioe 1 nflrutnent,but only as a Pafsive ; there- fore having difproved what they claim, I have done enough to that. 2. Yet I will add fome more : And i. If it be a phy- tìcal aftive Inftrument, it mutt have a phyfiral a&ive Influx to the