Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(113) the producing cf the Effea but to bath not Faith to the pro ducingof our Juflification. Ergo &c. The Major is apparent from the common definition of fish Inflruments : The Minor will be as evident, if we confider but what Gods Ad in Jufli- fication is, and then it would appear irnpoffible that any att of ours fhould be fuch an Inftrumenr.' i. At the g. eat Juftification at Judgement Chrifls ad is to fentence us acquit and dìfchar- ged: and doth our Faith a fivé, faze infacre ad haarc rffectunm ? Both it intervene between Chrift and the&eft ? and fo adive- ly juflifie us ? Who will fay fo ? 2. And the act by which God juitifieth us here,is by a Deed of Gift in his Gofp 41: as I Judge) Now i . That doth immediately produce the etfe ( only fup_ poling Faith as a condition. ) 2. And it is but a moral Inflru. mental caufe it fell, and how faith can be a Ph, Beal; I know not. 3. Nay the ad i, but a moral act fuch a, a Statute or Bond acted), and what need Faith to be a phyfical Inftru- ment ? 2, My fecond Reafon is this r Ir is generally concluded,that Totainfrumenticaufalitaseft i tifu & applicatione; Ir ceafeth to be an Inilrurnent, when it ceafeth to be ufed or acted by the principal caufe : But faith doth moll frequently ceafe its action, and is not ufed ( phyfîcally)whcn we fleep or wholly mind other things : Therefore accord!ng to this Doctrine, faith fhould then ceafe its Infrumentality;and confequently either we fhould all that while be unjuflified and unpardoned, or elfe be juffified and pardoned frame other way, and not by faith. All which is abfurd ; and eafily avoided by difcerning faith to be but a Condition ofour J uflihication, or a Caufa fa e qua eon. 3. If Faith be a phyfical Inflrumcnt, then it fhould juflifie from a reafon intrinfecal, natural and effential to it, and not from Gods meer ordination of it to this officeby hisWord of Promife : but that were at leafl dangerous Doctrine : and fhculd not be entertained by them who ( truly) acknowledge that it juítifies not as a work ; much lefs tiren as a Ph. fcal re- ceptionwhich they call its Inflrumentality. The confequence of the Major is_evdent,in that nothing can be more intrinfecal and effential to faith ( this faith) then to be what it is, viz. a Reception or acceptance of Chrift or his Righteoufnefs ó there. E e 3 fore