Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

( 1 ) fore if it juPfifie directly as fuch, then it juflifieth of its own Nature. 4. It is to me ahard faying, that God and Faith do the fame thing, that is, Pardon and jAlifie : and yet fo they do if it be an Inftrument of jullification : For eadern eft ..1ctio Infirumenti principalis caufa, viz. quoad determinationem ad bun ef- fetium, ut Aquinas, Schibler, &C. I dare not fay or think, that Faith cloth fo properly , effectively jullifie and pardon us. 5. It feems tome needlefs to feign this Inftrumentality, be- caufefrufirx fit per plisra quad fieripotell per pauciara. 6. Yea it derogateth from the-work ; for as Scow faith, ( in 4. chit. 45. q. I. pag. miloi ) Z39. D. ) Actio fine infirumento eft perfectior qu n actio cum initromento. 7. And this Doctrine makes man tobe the cassia proximo, of bis own Pardon and juilification. For it is man that believes and not God:God is the caufa prima, but man the callaproximacre- dendi, and fo of jultifying,if Faith be an Inflrument. Or at lead man is a catsfe of his own Pardon and Jultification. Yea faith be- ing by Divines acknowledgedour own I ntlrument,it mull needs follow that we ¡nil ifie and forgive our felves. Dr. Amefitct faith, (73ellar. enervat .To.4.1i 6.p.(mihi) 3 5.)Plurimumrefert:quia ficutfacramenta quamvis n1.0 poffir,t dici Infirstmenta no- flra, &c. pnerie tarnen°runt ynframenta Dei:lic etiam fides earn- vispopit vocari Infirumenturn Dei, quia Deusjullificat nos exfi- de efr, perfidern, preprie tarnen eft Inflromenturn noftrum. Deus nos baptizat C9pafcit, non nofinet NOScredimus in Chrittunr, non Deus. Whether faith may be a moral Inftrument, I fhall enquire,when 1 have anfwered thenext queition which is,Q6. If faith werefad)a Phyfical Pafsive(or Active) Inftrument,Whe- ther th,4 be the formal direct reafon of its juftifying? and whether (u it ) it de juflifie directly andprimarily, quatenus cil appre- henfio Chrifti, , vel Juftificationis. And this is it that I molt confidentlydeny,and had rather you would flick to in de . bate then alithe ref/ : for I groundmanyother things on it.Iaf- ; firm therefore, 1. That faith juftifieth primarily and directly, as the condition on which the free Donor hath bellowed Chritl, with alibis benefits in tbetofpel-conveyance. z. And: Oar if it were