were a meer Phyf cal apprehenfion it would not junifief nono do us any good. 3. And that the apprehenfion called the recep- ti.vity,whicLi is truly its nature,is yet but its aptitude to its juftify- ing oínce,andfo a remote, ,& not the direct proper formal caufe. "There three I will prove in order. I. And for the firít it is proved. z. From the Tenor of the juflifynig Promife, which Rill affureth Juftification on the condition of Bzlieving. [ He that beleeveth ] and [ whofeever believeth i and [ if thous be- lieve ] do plainly and unqueftionably exprefs fuch a condition, upon which we (hall be ¡unified, and without which we that! not. The 4ntinosnians moil unrea1onab'y deny this. 2 . And the nature of Juftification makes it tingnefisoinable : for whe- ther you make it a Law-aft, or anad of Gods own Judge- ment and Will determining of our Rate, yet nigher will admit of any intervening caufe, ( efpecially any at of ours,) but only a condition. 3. Befides, Conditions depend on the will of him that befloweth the Gift, and according to his Will they fucceed :_ but Inftruments more according to their own fitnefs Now it is known well, that Juffification is an aft of Gods meet. free Grace and Will, and therefore nothing can further conduce to Gods free act as on our part, but by way of Condition. 4. And I neednot fay more to this,it being acknow- ledged generally by all our .Divines, not one that I remember excepted, befides Mr. walker, that [faith wit jwilifieth as thecondi- tion ofthe Covenant] Mr. Wotton de Reeoncil, par. i,1.2. cap. a 8. brings you the full Teflimony of the Enzlifh Homilies, Fox, Perkins, Pavans, Trelcatius, `1?r. G. DuVonam, Schirpitcr, ?b. c/` 4atthews , Calvin Areti:ss, Sadeel Olevian c.Mes laneth. Beza To which I could add many more : and I never fpoke with any loudDivine that denyed it. 2. Now that a phyfical apprehenfion would not juftifie, as fuch, is evident. r. Elfe A'Íary fhould be ¡unified for having CIlrift inher womb, as I laid before. 2. Elfe ¡unification asI laid, fhould be afcribed to the natureof the act of .faith it felf. 3. You may fee what is the primary, formal reafon why faith Juftifes, by its infeparablility from the effect or event and which, is the improper remote caufe by its feparability.. Now fuch a phyfical apprehenfion itay be (as filch) feparated from