(1r6 from the effect, and would fill be ifit had not the further na- ture ofa condition, We fee it plainly in all worldly things.Eve- ry man that takes in his hand a conveyance ofland, (ball not poffefs the land. if you forcibly feize upon all a mans eviden- ces and writings, you (hall not therefore poffefs hiseftate. If a traytor fnatch a pardon by violence out ofanothers hand, he is not thereforepardoned: (But more of this under the next`. 4. And for your pa[iive faith, I cannot conceivehow it (flout(' (as paffive) have any Moral good in it (as is laid, ) much lets Juftifie us. And fo when God faith that without faith it is irnpoffìble topleafe God.we Beall feign that ro be ju(lifying faith, which bath nothing in it felf, that can pleafe God : and how it can ;juftifie that doth not pleafe, I know not; I know in genere enti: the Divels pleafe God : They are his creatures ; and naturally Good , as Ens & bonum convertun- Fur : but ingeneremori;, I know not yet how pati quatenus pati can pleafe him. For it doth not require fo much as liber- ty of the will : The reafon ofPafìion is from the Agent : As 5'uaare.zr di. I7. §. 2." Secun.dtirn pracifas rationes formaler lo- quendo, Pao ell ab Allione : C- non è converfo. Ileoque ve- rae/t & propria hac caufalu locutio, agens agit, materia recipit. Now lure all Divines as well as the free- will men do acknowledge, that there can be no pleating worth or ver- tue, where the is not liberty. And Suarez faith truly in that (T. i.difp. 19 pag. (mihi) 340.) ddirnus veroBancfaculta- tern quatenus libera elf, non pofe effe n, f ifflivarn: feu converfo, facultatem non pole efe liberam, nyifit aCliva,&quatenus ah i- va ell. Probattsr fc . NM; Taff° ut Pafo nonpoteft efe Libe- rapatienti : fedfoluvn giatenui "Jain ei qua talie Palo provenit, ell libera: ergo Libertasformalizer ac pracifc non ell in po- eenti.apatiente, at fic, fed in potent :a zlgente. (ride ultra pro- batiosem.) 5, Yea I much fear left this Pafíive Doctrine do lay all the blame of all mens infidelity uponGod, or molt at leafy : For it mak.eth the unbeliever no otherwife faulty then a hard block for refitting the wedge, which is but byan indifpefition of the matter ® and fo Origina indifpofirion is all the fin. For as .4quinaa faith Malt:vn 1% Patiente eft vel abi rperfehione, vel