( 9 ) ver is the materia ofthe iufirument, or whatfoever is natural to ir, cannot be its form : Now to be a reception or appre heniion of Chrift, is molt effenti?:liy natural to thisa& of faith, and therefore cannot be the form'of its inftrumentaIity. For as Scotus faith (in A.. rnt. di/l. t .q.5. Fol. (mihi) i 3 . H.) !nfIrai mewiidoneitasp -cectdit;Aturaliter :tram ejus :It infirurnentum. And what is the Idonei!at or Aptitude of faith but 'this? And as.Scctut ibi.).faith, 1Nrsllstm infrfsmentisn forma/zter of ideo ap turn ad r'furn, qua aligais sstìttsr eo tit infirssmenta : but it is an Intrament quia alFquis ttstitur, &c. 3. And if the reception were the moil dire&, proper cau(e, (efpecialiy ifthe phytical reception ) then it would follow , that juftifying faith as fuch) is the receiving of juftification or ofChrifts righteoufnefs, but not the receiving ofChrift him- felt'', or that the receivingof Chrift would be but a preparato- ry a&,which is I dare fay foul and falleDo&r.ne, and contrary to the (cope ofScripture which makes Chriii himfelf the obje& of this faith ; and the receiving of km" (Yohn i. t r, i z.) and believing in him to be the condition of juftification ; and the receiving of righteoufnefs, but fecondarily or remotely. Ame- lia: faith (ubi fispra) hic tamen obfervasadum e l accurate Io- quendo, : apprehenfionem Chrifli jssjtfithe ejus ere fidem ficantersa, quia juflificatio nofira exurgit ex apprehenfïone Chri= apprehenho juflificationis sit po ëfonis nojlræ pnefectis, frcftw eft & tffeaum apprehenfsonis pricris. So in his .4fed /la he makes Chrift himfelf the obje& ofjuftifying faith. 4. A fro if the laid receptionwere the immediate proper rea- fonwhy faith juftifyeth; then it would follow that it is one at of faith wherebywe are pardoned ( viz. the receptionof par- don) and another whereby we are jnftified ( viz, the Recep- tion either of righteoufnefs or juflifìcation : ) and there muff be another act offaith forAdoption,and another for every other ufe according to the variety of the Objects. But this is a vain fiction , it being the fame believing in Chrift, to which the Pro mile of Remifsion, Juftification, Adoption, Glorification,and all is made. Alfo it would contradi& the Doctrine of our beft Divines, who fay, es Alfe dius,Diflinc`l.Theol. C. 17.p.73. that Chrift is F f 2 our