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our RighteouíneCs itsfenfu cayfali, fed no infinite formal', i conclude this with the plain Teftimonyof our belt Writers. Perkins vol. t. pag. 662. In the true Gain,faith : And left any fhould imagine that the very 42 offaith inapprehending Chrift juflifaeth : we are to underftand that faith doth not apprehend by Fowrr from it fait, but by vertu: of the Covenant. If a man believe the Kingdom of France to be his, it it not therefore his yet if be beliveChrifi and the Kingdom of Heaven by Chrift to be his, it is his indeed : not frmply bccnufe he believer, but becaufe he believes upon Commandment and Prornife. ( that is not pro- perly as an Inftrument, but as a condition ) For in tle tenor of the Covenant God promifeth to impute the Obedience of Chrift to us for our Righteoufnefa if we believe. Is not this as plain as may be ? So Bollinger Deead. i . Serm. 6. p. (mini) 44. We fay faith juftifiethfor itfelf, not as it is a quality in our mind, or -our awn Work: but asfaith is agift of gods grace, having the pro- mife ofrighteoufnefs and life,&c. Therefore faith jufliftth for Chrif, andfrom the grace andCovenant of god. This being therefore fully proved,that faith juftifieth properly and direetly as the condition on which God bath made over Chrift and all his benefits in the Gofpel, the two great points oppofed in my Doctrine dohence arife unavoidably.r.That this faith juftifieth as truly and dire tly as it is the receiving of Chrift for Lord, and. king, and Head, and Husband , as for a juftifier, for both are equally the conditions in the Gofpel. But if the phyfical Inftrumental way were found, then it would jufti- fie only as it is a receiving of Juftification or Jutlice. This is the main conclufion I conteft for. Yield me this, and I will not fo much{lick at any of the refl. 2. And hence it follows, that Repentance, forgiving others, love to Chrift, Obedience Evan- gelical,do fo far juftile as the Gofpel. promife makes them con- ditions ; andno further do I plead for them. 7. My Taft Queftionwas, Whether nowyour Dot-trine or mine be the more obfeure, doubtful' and dangerous ? AndWhich is the more clear, certain andfafe ? And here I thall firft thew you yet more what my Judge- ment is, and therein whether Faith be a moral Infniment. I think that conditio fine quit non, nonpoteft effe efficiens, quia hujus