l7ujus ntalla eft aE io ; me id ad cujus pr,efentiasn aliquid contigit citra Wiles , ctionem : nec materialt difpoftio ell Inflrumentum, &c. ut Schibler, Top. c. 3. pg. ioz. Even the Gofpel-Pro- mile, wfrich-is far more properly called Gods moral Inttrurnent of ¡unifying or pardoning, is yet but formwhat to the making up that fundamentoam, from whence the relation of j f tffied doth refult. And the Fundamentum is called a caufe of the re- lationwhich arifeth from it without any ad, but what went to caufethe foundation, even by a meer refultancy, as D'Orbellis fully in t. font. Milt. 17.9. 1. But ro calla condition in Law an Injtrumext, is yet far more improper. The Law or Promife therefore I will call a moral Infirument : the condition which we muff perform, I will not call a moral Inftrument, either of the Aft which God performed), or yet of the effect which floweth from that aci immediately. Yet if any will fay that it is properly and principally a condition, and that it fo ¡unified) ; and yet that it may be called an Inftrument moral in an im- proper fence, as it is a condition fìrft, or elle in regard of its receiving ufe, will ffretch the word Inflrument fo wide,. as to apply it to it ; I will not contend for a word ; whenwe agree in fence. And thus Mr. Worton yieldeth as with an ill will to call it an [Armen', proving it firft to jufti;ie as a condi- tion. But I am loth to give it any proper caufality in juftify- tnAndnow let us fee whole fence is, r. More obfcure. I avoid and abhor all vain niceties in fo fundamental a point as Juftification is ; therefore I fay plainly but [ That faith is the condition on which Clodkith bellowed (brill andall h benefits in the Gofpel J What womancannot underfland this at a word ? But your Doctrine, what Oedipus is able tounfold ? for my parr, it is quite paft my reach ; and moft that I converfe with, are as filly as my fell. Can every poor manor woman reach to know what a palve AElion, or a paveTat-Sion, or a Paf ive Infiru- ment is ? andhowwe receive Chrifi, as a man takes a gift la his hand ? or to fee through all the difficulties that I have difco- vered here in your Dodrine ? Even they that raife queftions, what one a12 of faithdoth juiliie , whether of the Vaderflanding or Will l Whether 41enn or Affiance, mac. I)o feem vainly and r-f 3 bunfully