1224-) ftand ? or Both it fignif e any one a3 ? or the ac`t of any one tingle faculty chat the people of the land muff perform ? Oh how too learned Divines ( or too unlearned) have puzzled and amazed poor fouls, and muddyed the clear fircams of the 1)oßtrine of t.hrilt, in this fo weighty and plain a point of juflí- fication? In a word, Sir, I know there is never a one of my Hearers can underftand your Doarine ofinflrumenc ality Active or Paflive, nor have they the Logick ncceffary thereto , änd therefore I will not fpeak to them in fuch a language. Even while I untye your knots, I am thought a Rarba-i:In, and not underftood ; howmuch more if I fpoke what I underftand not my felf nor am, able,though I fee my wits on the tenter ? 2. And then let us. fee which is the truer and certarrer, your Dottrine or mine. .And i, T have faid fomewhat already to weaken the credit of yours. 2. And more fromwhat is laft Paid, it is unlikely tome to be true becaufe of the obscurity ; for I believe God bath fpoke plainer in fundamentals, and not laid folks falvation upon that which none but Scholars of a bet- ter or worfe judgement then I can underftand. I know there is that kind of difficulty in Divine things which requireth the fpiritual illumination ofthe underftanding :but not fiich in foun- dation points that neceffarily require(h fo much humane learn - ing. 3. Your way bath not one word ofScripturefor is : Where Both Scripture fay (in. phrafe or fenie) that r4th 7 uftifieth as an sjiffrtsment ; or that It is ludo ? Aflive or Poilive ? Or that it is this or that only Aa ? But now for the Doc$rine I teach. r. Neither your felt nor any folid man denyeth it (that faith is a condition and fo jsatf%ifteth: ) and that it is a Moral reccivi,:ç, and by the rr+hole foul, efepcially the hearty confers, and acceptance of t ke molt Divines teach , as I could thew but for wafting rime. 2. I prove it further, that it is bu: this plain Moral reception, thus. As Chrift is offered, fo he is received (therefore the Affembly fay [as he is o fered in the Gofp 1 : But Chrift is offered Mo- rally in the Gofpel, and not Pkyfically ; theref)re he rruft he fo received. 3. Rejicere oft role ; Ergo, rrci -erre ell wile. To reje& Chrift is the condemning fin of infidelity : but that lies' in an unwillingriefs to havehim to be their Redeemer, Saviour, and __ .-