( 224) and efpeciallyLord : therefore receiving CIA is a wiliingnefs,' confent or acceptance of him for Redeemer and Lord, yob.i.io. Bit own received himnot ; What is that but they refuted him ? and not that they wree not Paffive phyficalreceivers of 7mflice, Luke19. 27. efe mine enemas that Would not I Ihould reign over them, bring hither and defiroy, &c. Then willingnefs of his reign i part of that faith which ¡unifies : Even willingnefs of his taeif,,,n, as well as to be Pardoned, ¡unified and faved from Hell byhim ; ( or elfe few among us would perifb ; For .1 never met with the man that was unwilling of thefe.) 3. And then it will eafily appear, Whither your DoHrine or mine 6e the more fate. 1. Yours liath the many inconvenien- ces already mentioned. It maketh manhis own ¡unifier or the caufa proxima of his ownJufficeation, and by his own Aa to helpGod to,juftifie us : for fo all inftruments do help the prin. cipalcaufe. And yet by a felf-contradidion it maketh faith to be of no Moral worth, and fo no vertue or grace. Yea , (I think) it layeth the blame ofmans infidelity on God ; fuch wayes it feemeth to wrong the Father and ie Medi- ator. 2. And it feemeth alfo to wrong mens fouls in point of f.fety, both by drawing them fo to wrong God, and all() by laying grounds to encourage them in prefumption ; For when they are taught that the receivingof Chrifts righteoufnefs, or of Chrifi for juftification, or the confident expectation ofpar- don, or ratingon Chrift for it, or a particular perfwafion of ir, &a. Is ¡unifying faith, and when they find thefe in them- felves (as undoubtedly they may w this much, or elfe they cannot prefume), Is it not eafie then to think they are fafe when they are not ? As I faiti, I never yet met with the man that was not willing to be 7raftifird and raved fremHellby Chrifi and i dare fay, Really : and but with few that did not expeti it from Chrift, and trufl him for it. Now to place Ju- flif5ing faith only in that which is fo common, and to tell the men that yet they believe not truly when they have all that is made effential to faith, as juftifying, is firange. For knowing that the gocily themfelves have fowly finned, and that no man can perifh that bath juftifying faith, how can they choofe but prefume when they find that which is called Junifying faith un-