(22;5 undoubtedly in theanfelves ? And to tell them it is not fincere or true, becaufe they receive not Chrift alto as King and Pro- phet, and yet that fuch receiving is no part of jufitying faith. This into tell them that the truth of their faith lyeth without it felt (a firange Truth ) in a fignal concomitant : and who will doubt ofhis faith for want of a concomitant tïgn, When he certainly feeleth the thing it felt? Will not Inch think theymay fin falva fide ? When as if they were rightly taught , that juffifying flying faith ( as fuch ) is the receiving. of Chrift for Saviour ,and Lord, and foa giving up themfelves both to be faved andguided by him, then they would find that faith in Chrift and fincere obedience to Chrift have "a little neerer relati- on ; and then a man might fay Co fuch a prefumer, as I remem- ber Tertullian excellently Both De penitent. Operum pig. (24ihi) 119.0aterum no leviter in Donzinum peccat qui "gnu's remtslo epee Dia6olo pcensert.i i renunciafret) 6- hoc notrine ilium Dominofu6jecijjet,rssrfaer essnden, rtgrefju fuo erigit, Cam exultati- one ejtee firplum facit, act derma .malts recuperata praeda fua ..adverfus'Domintxna "gaudeat. Nonnequad dicere quoque peri- culofurnell, fed ad adificationem proferendurs eft, d abolumDa. :Dinopreponit i Comparationem ere, videtisr egife quiStrasrng; cognoverit, & jttdicatoprontencia jfe eum meliorem cups fe nrur- fue e femaluerit, &c. Sed aient quidam, fatïa Derma haberts ficorde& animo fufpiciatur, liceta5lu mintsfiat : ¡Paiute fe falvo metre & Fide pecc4are :Hoceft falva caftitate Matrimonia violare:falva pietate ?arenti venenum temperare; fic ergo & ipfc falvavenia in Gehenna, detrudcntur;dasm falvo metapeccant. Again, your Doctrine feemeth to me to overthrow the comfort of Believers exceedingly. For howcan they have any comfort that know not whether they are juftified and clean be Caved ? and how can they know that, who know not whether they have faith ? and how can they know that, when they know not what juftifying faith is ? and how can they knowwhat it is,' when it is byDivines involved in fuch a cloud and maze ofdifficulties ? forne placing it in this,"act and fore in that, and forne ina, Pave inftrumentalicy, which few underfland, (If any man in the world do.) For the Habit of faith that cannot be fete or known of it feif immediately, but by G g its'