Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(zi6) xts ads ( for fo it is concluded of all Habits Suaree,, rvleeap. T. Z. dif©. 44. ÿ. t . pag. 3 3 2.) and inf+ead of the at we are now let to enquire after the paffion .? and fo in the work ofexamination the bufinefs is to enquire, hAw aid w en we didpafvcly reçeive righteoufnefs, or NI fccation , or Chrijt for thefe :which let him anfwer for himíelf that canifor I cannot. But now, on the other fide, what inconvenience is there in the Do&rineoffaith and ¡unification as I deliver it ? As it is nl in, and certain (laying no more then is generally granted) fo I think it is fate. Do I afcribe any of Chrifts honour in the work toman ? Nomanyet bath dared to chargeme with that, to my knowledge : andno confiderate man ! i,elïeve w it do it. I conclude that neither faith nor works is the leáff part of our legal righteoufnefs : or of that righteoufnefs which we mutt plead againft the acculer for our ¡uítification : which is commonly called by Divines, the matter of our ¡unification. The Law which we have broken cannot be fatisfied (nor God for the breach of it) in the least meafure by our faith or obedience,nor do they concur a the leaf} degree of that fatisfas &ion : But we mull turn the Law over wholly to our Surety,Ond lywhereas he hath madea newLaw or Covenant containing the conditions on our part of the faid ¡unification and falvation I fay, thefe conditions inuft needs be performed, and that by our (elves : and who dare deny this ? and I fay that the perfor- mance of thefe conditions is our Evangelica: righteoufnerr (in reference to that Covenant, ) as Clrifts fatisfadion is our legal Itighteoufnefs (in reference to that firft Covenant), or as perfed obedience would have been our legal righteouf- nefs, ifwe had fo obeyed. And for them that fpeak of inhem tent Righteoufnefs in any other fente, viz. as it is an imperfe& conformity to theLawof works, rather then as a true confor- mity to the Lawor Covenant of grace I renounce their Do- 1rine, both as contradidory to it felt, and to the truth, and as that which would make the fame Law to curie and biefs the fame man and which would fet up the defperate Doctrine of Juftification by theworks of the Law : For ifmen are righteous in reference to that Law, then they may be fo far juftified by it Nor do I afcribe toworks any part of the office or honour of faith