22,7 faith (Though that were not fo dangerous as to derogate from ( hriff,) For I acknowledge faith the only condition of our fink Rcmiffion and juffification : and the principal part of the condition ofour juftification as continued and confummate. Arid if faith be an initrumental caufe, 1 do not give that honor from it to works, for they are not fo : Nay , I boldly again aver, that ! give no more w oba'ience to C194, then DEv nes ordinarily do, that is,to be the fecondary part of the conditi- on of continued and confummate jualfication. Only I give not fo much as others to faith, becaufe I dare not afcribe fo much to matt. And yet men make fuch a noire with the terri- ble name of ?uffifcation by works (the Lords own phrafe ), as ifI gave more then themfelves to man, when I give fo much lets. And thus Sir, I'have according to your advice, fpent my felt ( as you (peak ) in aiming at that mark which you were plea fed to fet me. And now I ,hall proceed to the reft ofyour ex- ceptions. Mynext anfwerto you was,' that [Ifworks under every no- tion areexcluded (as youfay they are) then repentance is Miff-, oiledunder thenotion ofa condition orpreparative : But repentance sander that notion is not excluded : Thereforenot Work? under every notion.To this you reply,that [Repentance is not excluded as qualifying, but arrecipient,] which what is it but a plain yield- ingmy Minor, and fo the caufe: For this is as much as I fay. If repentance be a work or á&of ours, andnot excluded un- der the notionof a qualification, (or as you elfewhere yield ) a c 3ledirxm ordinatuns, and a condition , then works are not under every notion excluded. And that repentance is not red- pient, how eafily do I yeild to you ? But do you indeed think that when `Paul excludeth the works ofthe Law, that he ex- cludeth themonly as Recipient ? and not as qualifying? If fo, (as this anfwer feems to import, feeing you will not have me here clatinguifh between works of Law, and ofGofpel,or New Covenant) then you give abundance more to worksof the Law then jdo or dare.: For I aver that Taal excludeth them even as qualifications , yea and the very prefence of them : and that the Jews never dreamt of their works being Recipient. Ggz To