22, 8 ) 'omy next you fay, [whether Pauldifpaste what is our r;gb- trournefs, or upon what terms it is mule ours it dot/on/4 much rn4t ter But I thinkit of verygreat moment ; they being Questions fo very much different,both in their fenfe,and importance. And whereas you think Paul (peaks chieflyof the manner, I think he (peaks of both,but primarily of the (quaOmateria ; and of the Manner or means thereto,but fecondarily in reference to that. So that I think the chief Quctlion whichPauldothdebate, was,. whether We are Jufl,fied by our oWn works or merits, or by 4no- thers,vit.the fatisfa:,tionofa furety ? which yet becaufe it is no way made ours but by believíng,therefore he fo puts, the Quefli- on,whether by works of the Law,or by faith ? and fo that he makes theiñ two immediate oppofites,not granting any tertisam, I eafily yield. ( But of that before.) To the next you fay, that [I cannot findfuch afigureforfaith Relatively in trey fenfe.] Anfw. And I conceive that faith in my fenfe may be taken-Relatively full as well as in yours. Doubtlefs acceptance ofan offered Redeemer and all his bene- fits dotti relateas properly to what is accepted (vim, by the affent of the underftanding initially, and by the eleftion and confent of thewill confummately) as a Ployfical Paffìvs recep- tion or in'rumentality can do. And allo as it is:a condition I make little doubt, but it relateth to the thing given on that condition and that' the very name ofa condition is relative.. So that in my fenfe faith relateth to Chrift twoways Where- ofthe former is but its very nature, and fo its aptitude to its office : The later is that proper refpect in which ie immediately or directly jyftifieth. Yet do I not mean as you feem todo ,. as I gather by your phrafe of [rutting Love and Obedience for Chrigs Righteoufnefs] : ForI conceive it may beput relatively, and yet not ftricfly ( loco correlati ). for the thing related to when I fay my hands or teeth feed me , I do not put them in. Read ofmy Meat ; and yet I rife the words relatively, mean- ingmy Meat principally, and my teeth . fecondarily Nei- Cher do I mean that it relateth to arias righteoufnefì only or principally ; but firft to himfelj. And I' doubt not but. Lave toChrift andObedience to him as Redeemer, do relate to him but not fo fully, clearly anddirely exprefs him as related to S. FFjth Faith being alfo focomprehensive a grace as to in- . elude.