(Zz9) e elude fom others. It is a true faying,that a poor woman that is m:trryrd to a Prince is made honourable by love, and con- tinuedfo by duty.to her htltband ; But it is more obfcure and improper then to fay , íhe is made honourable by t-afar_ riage,or taking fuch a man to her husband,which includes love, and implyeth duty and faithfulnefs, as neceffarily fubfeyuent.. I conceive with judicious Docrtor Treflon, that faith is truly and properly fuck a confent, contraca,or marriage with Cbrïft, Next toyour firnilitude : you fay 1 Y y [ hclithat not only f Bing this br:a.ten Serpent, but ,any other ASinn, of fenfe, will at Well heal the Wouncded Chrif ian.] To which I anfwer. Simi- litudes run not on all four. Thus far I believe that this holds. z. Chrill was lift up on the Crofs as the brazen Serpent was lift up.; 2. He was lift up for a cure to fin-flung foulc,as the brazen- ,_._.- Serpent for the flung bodies. 3. That as every one that look- ed on the Serpent was cured (an catie condition,) fo every one that believeth Chrifl to be the appointed Redeemer, and heartily Accepteth him on the terms he is offered and fo trufleth in him., fh411 not perifh, but have eve:lafing life. 4. That as the cure of their bodies came not from any natural reafon drawn from the eye, or from any natural excellency or efficacy of fceing, above bearing or feeling, but meerly from the free will and pleafure of Cod, who ordained that looking fhould be the conditionof their cure . So all thofe Ads Cure- ally comprized or implyed in the word believing) fie, do it not from any natural "excellency whtet, jfiu- mentality but meerly from the good pleafureaof the Law- giver : And therefore the natural Receptivity of Faith ( that is its very formal effence ) muff not be given as the proper direct caufe of its Juflrfging : But that is, its conditionality from the free appointment of God. But on the other fide,' .It was only One Act ofone fenfe which was thecondition oftheir cure:but you will not fay I believe that it is only one act ofone faculty which jufifieth : however f will not. 2.It was theAft offeeing which cured them, without touch ing, laying hold on, apprehending, re;iin on, will not fay fo of ¡unifying faith, , g 'c But you condition of their cure, was no aqual reception of the brae Gg 3. am