tli or (2, 30 ) z en Serpent, but the fpecies of that Serpent by the eye ; and f, the eye did no otherwife recei v: the Serpent, then it received every Objet it beheld, even the Serpent that flung them. But if you fay, that cur receiving Chrifl is but per fmplicem apprt- henfionem cbjeEi , and that it is a receiv ngof his fpecies, and fo that we receive ( birdno otherwife then we receive Satan,ho C any Object of Knowledge,1 will not be of that opinion.4. cure was [imps/ & femel : but our justification is a continued Ad ; as really in doing all our lives, as at firft. 5 though one ad flaifhed their cure, and there-was no condition perfcribed as requifite for the confummation or continua ere yet when our Iuitification is begun; and we truly j is further conditions prefcribed; for its continuance and con- fummatiòt'. To conclude, I am fo far from fading, that any other Ac`} will as well heal he c ,b áe Cod hath made the expres condition of his flatly aver no other will do it. But whether he hash made any one Tingle aa(o-r I'afsan)to be the whole that and youdonot deny elfewhereout of Scripture {hew you, f what I fay. My two lx11 Anfo, ers to } our expoftion of Paull words, nu are pleafd to overpass the laytf that which the ninth ) the worÁ the main that I made ufe of Work more tlrictiy, for fuchworkind orking as fence Id Reward m to be not of Grace but of debt .works, not only (as you from receptive,or tal,or-effeaive, but fro u i g you d no- thing to this my chief Anfwer, I do not know ebliea dcniti- You next tell me that ÌL I cannot tah, the E..4fr m an in that fence as they_declare the o ¡ettia' optá rcsrdened f whickare upon Pletaphoricrl_irply f its f a Chrift only for k.,ghteouÍnefs ; and by this (brif.Es Righteoufnefs made over to u} ; and its a receiving t rw the band e braceth and &c. Anfwer. That the. ng an wonder and Re(l ip aCe Metaphorical, I eafily grant in '11 ou ; reducing the more that you till infift on them, them to more proper exprefsions, do her Allegory, adM Metaphor to Metaphors till all' your definitionbeam know