Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

know how muchUÍttaphors do reduce. But for the Affemblies I).finition, I,embrace it unfeignedly is that fence as theword s term to me moil evidently co import, without using violence _with them.Buc I perceive by this,thatyou will rot think it enough in a man to fubfcribe to national Confefsions ìíd Catechifms in the obvious fence, or that which he juigeth the plain grope r fence, except he alto agree with you in the explication. Some think it not enough that we fuSfcribe to the Scripture, be- caufe we may milenmierftand ir, and therefore we mutt fubfcri be to national Con; *lions, as more explicate : ( which I like well, fo we addnothing to (1 ode word, nor thrust ourowrz Commen- taries into the Tex*., or obtrude our own Doctrines upon men as Articles of their faith, or at leaf;, as the &fhoes did the Ce- remonies, which they made indifferent in word, but neceffary indeed : ) But now I perceive the matter cornee ail to one in the Iffue ; when you cannot make a definition of Faith in fuch Language as is anV easier to be underaood then the Scrip- ture when you and I cannot both understand it : and I find that many are of Be larminer judgement (Apol, c. 7 . cited by Mr. Vines in his Sermon againft Hares. pig. so. ) That a man may be Haretick, though he beI eve the Scriptures, the three Creeds, and the four great g:n;ral Councils. Out fo r the fence of the Affemblies definition) i I know not what you mean by the words [ as they declare it : ] If any private declaration, I am not to take notice of it, nor do I knowwhat it meaneth, and could with theywould do, or might have done asMr. Viler defìred in his Sermon, Jan. 28. 164.s. that is, [ Tofecond their conclusion with the Reafons and grounds of them ; which IA- do much to make them paff`for currant : filing ( faith he) the Gorgons beadWhichfirud all ¿mb informer times,The Church, TheChurch,ie u9t likely to have the fame operation a ow in this fteingandfearching age ; for though men be willing to be lit/jai to 'Authority, yet as they are men i h y U i 'l be slaver to ReaJon.] So that if therewere any private expofï.ion, I would we had ir. Rut if you mean only what is declared in rho: words of the De- finition, I am molt confident,though I raver was in the Affem. bly, that I have hit on their fence far neerer than you kern to have done : and I dare not think otherwiie, HI I be hainoufly cenforious