Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

x. I am glad you here grant Chrift hirnftlf to be the ,Object. 2. If you mean, [ as verily as the hand, c. ] So I grant it, if a moral receiving may be properly Paid to be as true as a phyfical. But if you mean `3y a,Phyfical_ Cont r,'t and ReceptÌion.a4 the hand ,jarh, &c. then .I am far.hotn believing that ever Chri l or our Afernbly fo rneant,or ever had fo,grofs a.thought. Where., you lay,! take is not the?nferce,ad the Ser itut e tvoords irr=p y; I an fwer. When lee that manifefted I finlÌ believe it When it: is f id Yohn t. He came to Us own, and h`ó own received hind not it meant they tookhis: not in their hands,or received not his Perfon into their houles? the,rrue = .But i. Only in a iecond place; but their hearts Were the first Receptacle 2. Elfe tiiofe were no Unbelievers where thriit never carne in perfon And that had no.ltosfes ;.± 3. And that receiving cannot belong to us that never faw him, not to any Pnce his Afcenfon. 2.0r is it the Intellective Reception of hip fpccies ? I trow not I have laid enough of that before. 3. U c is it a moral Recepti- onof him as4uisand Çl u related, volendo, elioendo,confentien- do, diligen o ( pardon this lift, it is but the qualification of the reft) C confegrlenter fidendo ? I think this is it. if you can find a fourth way , you will do that .which was never done ( to my knowledge .) and then you will be a Novellift as well as I. For your next expretïions, I anfwet to them, that you do truly apprehend that I am loch to feem to recede from others, ( and as loth todo it, but magùs arnica veritas : And I can- not believe what my lift, nor like thole that ran.) By which you may t3my know, that I do it not out of affectation of fin- gularity (as he knoweth that knoweth my heart), nor intend tobe any tnftrument ofdivifion in the Church. And if my a: fertions are dettructiveofwhat others deliver,it is but what fame men, and not what all deliver; Not againft the Affembly , nor many learned Divines who from feveral parts"of the Land have fignified to me their Affent : befides all thole great names that appear for me in p int. But you tell me that [ (may not bteild on fore Ho . ilet cat plular expreffionsin any mani books.l Anfùree, Let me again name tea you but the men I Taft named, and try whether you H h will