Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

will again ;o entitle their writings. The firít and chief ,t'refl?n, who was known t;a b, a man of molt choice r;otos, . , and fo judged- by rhofe that put out his books,and-his-credit fo great in .Fngland, that he cracks his own that fèWks to -crack i~ And hisSe`rmons were preached before as ;;.dicic,ué' ar, Adito ry ( at lealt )'as your Lwftures, and yetyou-defend your own expreffions: Yea it is nor on:e nor twice, nor fin timzs'onS't,_ but almoll through all his Books, that Dr. Pre/ton harper!) upon this firing, as if it were the cho,feft notion that he intended o' difcLft. Yea it is in his very Definition of faith as }ítltìfying ; and Dr. Prefi:on was no homiletical Definer. r can`prc;tluce: the like Teftimony of Dr. Stotrghtnn :( two aqrat inmy ciléem as moil ever Vngland or the world bred ) A notl:e_°` is Mr. t:allis : Doubtlefs , Sir, no homiletical popular Mad in Writing :: nor could you have quickly bethought you of an ,EnglrfhBook that léfs defËrves tlaofe attributes :His words are: thefe. I afekt not to place the f aviyih 'rc`l' of faith ,`èither with AirCotton (a4 bis Lordfhiv cites l,frt,) in tfit'6ling hold'of, or afentirg to that PYoré3if'e, &e. nor yet in a pa ri.Ttsl,ar ap- pllcatión of°Chrifl ro myfc f ïñ ajfrèratnce,or a believing t'7at Chria/l rxrine, &c. Ear I chaofe rather to place it in an aict Of the IFll9, then in et h*r of theft f?r"en=+med als of the2>nderflandcng. It ZS an Accepttog of Chrifi ofered, rather then an flfenting to a,.ropoftion aa jfrrss+recl,ro as many as receivedhim,8te.that into them that believe in hie narrr:e. John r. god makes an Offer of Chrifl to all (elfe fbossldnot Reprobates be condemned for not acceptingofhim,as nei ther the Devils are,6ecaacsre he Was nft offered to them. »Vb.-laver will, let him come: and take of the roger of life free!y,Rev.2 z, I?. Pi'hereu,p>n the believing fohl replies; 1 zvili : and fo taker hires. When a Gift is offered to me, th.;t which maketh it to be mine is ry ilc:°eptation, &c. If you cal tl.E; taking of Chq ( or con- tenting that ChriJi'hall ber+ySavi-)nr)a Depgndirng,alîeflingor relying on Chrift for falvation (i f youfpeak,of anaEl of the Will) it is all one;for Taking of Chrifl to -ke .iaviorsr, and committing' my[elf to Chrifiz to belkved, is the fame : Bothof them being 6trt a confenting to tht;s Covenant,' will be your god, and- youfhall 6e my People, &c. And if you malt;,e this thefavirlt ASof faith, then will Repent,ince ( fofar al it:is d;Plina from f`aith ) hea con-- Moms,