Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(235) ;:guentof it : C,ong,ienceal/O, d-c. Thus Mr. is cleat, that the Nature of Faith is thé fame that I have affirmed, and in no popular Sermon, bur his Trsth trjed. pag. 94, 95, And on thefe grounds he well anfwers Lerarr>,ines D:!ernna, which elle will be but fhiftingly; árZfwered. The next is Mr. Nu; <;.fr of NewEgiand, -a man judged one of their belt Diffrx-an;s,. or die they would not have choíb him to encounter' é).1-oollorl:- Arid Will you call his`verg Defi,ìition of Fai:li' in an accu- rateCatcchif+n, an'á:;rnilet:cal popular :xpreffion ? WStat'then in the whole world fhall elcape that cenfure ? His Words are what ujurtfy.Ng Faith .? Anfw. It fsajavFnggra::e of the .îpi'rit, flswin? from Elexrior, zrherebr the fil receivetPr `:/ ejsf C vi;d,4á its Head 614 îavi. aar, .acco i;,g as he"ìs r.eVeBied i n i. heP.,fpQt. 1 I fubl'criúe to this Definition frrìrn my heart. The next cited was1ti:ir. Caslverav(fl '`not'in any p`opular Sermon, but in a fol=d well a-pproved Trt: átife of Faith, and not in cbm- mon paflráge.s, but'his very defirf tiorí of faith. pug. 1.3.17. 'and after all co'ricluues, pag. 39. [Thús In fee tkA* rhe''very natare4f faithconffleth in thé true 4cceptätion t fChrcfl procl:zimeci aia tht C, fpel ] The next cited ( about the Deinit on of faith ) was Mr. Throgmortörr., who inhis accurate I'reati;é of Faith `(and not in any popular Sermons ) and that many times over; doth make Faith to be the receiving Chrififor Prophet, andonly Rab- br, t l3v h DiÌcipler; and as the only Way and Truth, and alf"o its King, Heaq, Husband, Ï'rie, &c. and by this we are made Partakers of him andall hid benefits jrag. 6.29.3 t. 82. &c. And for the great point that you fiick at of Juftification;I will repeat the words of two of thofe Authors which :I have named : .And a. pf learned Corir. Bergássr , ir, whom you fluait have the Terlimoray of the Abzgu(lan` Cónfefl=on , Luther, Me..tzer, 6-c. included, b®th about the.náture arid extent of Faith ; about works Legal and Evangelical; about Juftifica® :tion as begun, and as continued, and thediftinet conditions, and about t?:e concurrence of Obedience, &c. Traxis Catico! d.ifert° 7 pag973 Nec tarnen reg gxyf9ua*r fder ! e Qbe #tenti:a?n in '(anò` fen,, ex Rot7.I :: fi #3z'1 ä. 16,. & 16 26. 2Thctt r 8. A61.5.3 2. Heb.5;9, "rPet.r.z;x4,zzd Fides eft obedientia quatenses ejuraElterpropriasrefrondet prtt- Hh z ceps. o ......._