Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

ble %fliotony, or neceffary qualification ofa man for pardon? ] Anfwer. ',But the Queftion is not of the fignificancy or Tefimoy acy, nor yet of : all kind of qualification ; that is an ambiguous, term, and was not in the Qeftion, but of the conditionality. 2. You yield to the term Condition your felf elfewhere , and thereforeneed not (bun it. 3. Qáalifications and Conditions are either phyfical and remote, of which I raife no queftion fo the Effence of the foul is a condition , and fo hearing the Golpe I is a natural Condition of him that will underffand it ; and underftanding is a natural Qualificationof him that will be- lieve it : For ¡noti nulla fides. But it is another fort of condi- tions youknow that we are in fpeech of vv-hich I have defined, and Mr. gataker before cited : viz.. morsel legal conditions fo called infenfuforenf vellegali:when the Law of Chrift hangs our actual jultificationand falvation on the doing or not doing fuck a thing. Yet do I very muchdililinguifh between the Nature and ilfes of the feveral Graces or Duties contained in the conditions; for though they are all conditions, yet they were not all for the fame reafon,or to the fame ufe ordained to be conditions:but re- pentance in one fence as preparatoryto faith : and Faith. i .Be- caufe it honoureth Chrift, and debafeth our felves. 2. Becaufe it being in the full an, Acceptationof the thingoffered, is, the moll convenient means to make us Pofieffors without any con- tempt of theGift ; wich other reafons that might be found : So i might affign the reafons (as they appear tous) why God bath aligned Love to Chrift, and fincere Obebience, and for- giving others, their feveral parts and places in this conditionali- ty ( but I have done it in my Aphorifms; ) but then all thefe are drawn from the diftin3 nature and ufe of thefe duties Effen_. eially in themfelves confidered, which is but their Aptitude for the place or conditionality which they are appointed to, and would of themfelves have done nothing without fuch appoint- ment. So that it is onequeftion to ask,why clothFaith or Work! of Obedience to Chrifl 70ife ? ( Towhich I anfwer ; Becaufe it was the pleafure of God to make them the conditions of the Covenant,and not becaufe of their own nature directly : ) and its another Queftion, Why did God .choofe Faith to the Prece- dency in the work ?, To which I anfwer. i. Properly there: is no caufe, of Gods acionswithout himfelf. 2.. But fpeak-