(zß7) loth altere... ;. Féje you zr;oldjield that Bellarmine argues cones fonantly enough, that Lovewould jufitfie as tvell as Faith. 4. ret you acknowledge Faith anAttive grace : but only in this Alt its meerrecipient. eAfnfwer. I confefs my reafon utterly at a lofs in this ; but yet if it were in my Bible ( tome Intelligible ) I would believe it as I do theDot:trine of the Trinity,and ceafe enquiring.But I' cannot fo do by any Creature, to make him the Lord of my faith and Realm]. r . Whether Faith doth Pati, I have enquired already. 2. That Love doth Agere, I verily believe : and yet I have otter heard Lovecalled a Fallon, then Faith : And as ICeckeram faith, the Alfa-lions are more P,Sive then the im- manent Elicit Afls ofthe tellea and E7i11. And though as it is in the Rational foul, Love, ( faith Aquin.) is no Pafion, but aW'illing ( which caufeth me to judge it fo near Kin to Faith ) yet as it is in the fenfitive,jit, is a Paf;ion. So that Iamquite beyond doubt that phy.fically love is more properly called a Paillon then Faith. , Therefore for ought .1 know, it is no wonder if Be/kw-mine bear the Bell,and Papifts be unconvinced, if you have no better Arguments then this; efpeciatlly if no body elfe had better. 4. But yet the Myfierie is far more un- fearchable to me,thatfaith should6e Alive in all other,fave only this Aii.What is this thing called Fa th,which you make fuch a Proteus, to be Adelveand `Faf iveas ît feveral Micas ? Yea when it is acknowledged the fame Faith, which receiveth Chrift and Righteoufnefs, and the feveral promifes, and refteth on Chrift for the Pardonof each fin, for hearing each Prayer, for Affurance ,Peace,ComfaTt,Deliverancefrom temptations, and dangers and fin, and is thus ufefull through all our lives, for the fetchingof help from Chrifc in every ïtreight, yet that this fame Faith fhould be Allive in all theReff, and ¶afsiveonly in One juftifying Ate. Oh For the face of an Argument to prove this ! Sure itsnatural Reception of oneObjed and ano- ther is in point of Pafsivenefs alike : and its affigned Conditio nalàty in Scripture, is of like nature as to each branch of the good on that condition promifed. s. And here all() I perceive by your fpeech you make it confifl in fomeTingle aá. And yet you never tell what that is; and how then can it be in leveret fa,!;,