41/4. ) eulties, as Tavenant, Amefts yoh. Croclw, Melaneth. With molt do affirm ? 6. But yet the depth of the myfterie to me lies in underftanding and reconciling your words, [, odiy in this ¢ its meerly Recip ent.1 Is this an í- c`7 coo ? andyet snarly Recipient ? i whic h you make a weer Pa`<<ive reception. ) ,1 meerly Pafrive A5 is fuch a còntradiâion is aJjeElo to my un- derflanding, that I canna welcome the notion thither ; lea if youhad laid lefs,that it is an Act in any Part or Degree PaTiive.I never knew that an Aft could Pati; yet am I more confcious of mine own infufhciency, then to contend with one of your knowledge in matter of Philofophy ; but I mutt needs fay that your notions are yet fo far beyond my reach,that pofsibly I might take the words as true upon the credit of one whom I fo highlyvalue,yet am I not able to apprehend the fence. The Toy in Heaven which you mention for a Wandring fheep, I think is meant of the firfl,cr fame eminent recovery to Chritt, and not of every I hilofòphical notion : lure, Sir, if falvation hangon this Doârine,as thus by you explained, I amout of hope that either I orever a one in all this countrey fhould ever come to heaven ; except by believing as that part of the Church believes which is of your opinion : When I am yet apt to think , that tiding with any party in fuch opinions will not conduce to any mans falvation : For I am of Bergius his mind, that as it is not the Jew, the Pagan, or the Maho- metan or any Infidel, (privative, ) that (ball be faved but the Chrillian; fo it is not the `PapifI, the Lutheran , the Calvinifl, the e,,4rnminian, that Jhall6e Paved (qua talis) but the Catholick; However I am in thong hopes that a man may be faved, though he cannot underhand how an Act can be a pefve inf?rument ; nor do I think that my fubfcribing to that notion , would make any great rejoycing in Heaven. I am lorry you had not leifure to anfwer the Queftions , which were very pertinent to the bufinefs óf my fsti:fadion, though not to your bufinefs. That my explication of that plain, weighty, neceffary point, bolt imperfect graces or duties can,yet 6e the conditions of the New Covenant, Chould feem a Paradox tom, I fay, to yet', makes me yet more polka with admiration ; When you know that fuch