Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

( 249 ) fuch conditions there are ( fuppofe it were but faith alone : ) and you know your fell that this faith is imper td. But I perceive ve know but in part , and therefore mutt differ in part. He (hall fee whom God will enlighten. I had far ra- ther you had fallen upon that point then on the term of phf1i- ftcationby xr(» %s. Ifycu would but grant me , that ínp faith, as finch, is an Accepting of Chri/t for King and Prophet as well asfor a ltsftifier, axà confegssently that it is a re fgntng our (elves to be ruled by him , Well as to belovedby him, I (hall then be content for peace fake to lay by ti e phrafe of 741ification by rrorlej, though it be Gods own pbrafe, if the Church were offended with it, and required this at my hands : (So they will be fatisfied with my filencing it, with- out a renouncing it. ) I have written thus largely, that I might not be obfcure , and to let you fee, that though I have fcarce time to eate or fleeep yet I have time and paper for this work , and that I make not light of your diffent. The Love and Refped which you mention to me I do as little doubt of, as I do whether I have a heart in my bread: and your defires ofmy reducing I know do proceed from your zeal and fincere affec}ions. That which I take worific, that you should fo delire me not to take it ill to be called an erring íhepherd : As if I did not knowmy Pronenefs to err, and were not confcious ofthe weaknefs ofmy underftanding: or as if the exprellions of fo fincere love did need excufe ; or as if I were fo tender and brittle as not to endure fo gentlea touch : as if my confidence Of your love were Plumea, non Plrswbea,and would be blown away with fuch a friendly breath! Certainly Sir,your (harper fmitingwould be precious Balm,fo it light not on the Truth, but me I Tam not fo uncIuous,nitrous, or fulfureous, as to be kindled with filch a grateful! warmth. My Tntelle& were toomuch active, and mya:feäions toopaf- five, if by the reception of the beams of fuch favourable ex- preffions, my foul as by a Burning-Glafs thould be let on fire. I amoft afhamed andamazed to think of the horrid intolera- ble Pride of many learned PiousDivines,who though theyhave no worfe Titles then Yiri deli, reverendi, celeberrimi yet think themfelves abufed and unfufferably vilified, if any word do but acritss pungere, or any Argument dofaicibus , premere( witnefs Rivet and SpanbemiNe late angry cenfure of Amjraldtss) Can I{ k we