Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

250 Poftfcript. cript. Ear Sir , while I was waiting for a meffenger to fend this by, Malter Brooksby acquaints me, that you wifht him to tell me , that I mutt expel no more in writing from you. My requeft is , that whereas you intimated in your firft, a purpofe of writing fomewhat again ft me on this fübjet here- a`ter, you would be pleated to do it in my life tine, that I mayhave the benefit of it, if you do it fatisfa, Clardy and if not, may have opportunity to acquaint you with the reafons ofmy diffent. Scributat Afi ium Pollionem dixiffe e aliquande fe paraf je orationes contra Plancum, quas non nifi poll -marten; effet editurus ; .Plancum refpondi ffe , cum mortuis non nifi lar- vas luelari ut Lud. rives ex Plinio, & Dr. Hum- fred. ex illo efuit. z. p. 640. Alf() I requeft that if poffible you would proceed on fuch terms as your Divinity may not wholly depend upon meer niceties of Philofophy : For I cannot think fuchpoints to be neer the foundation`:. Or at kaft that you will clearly and fully confirm your Philofophical grounds: For as I find thatyour Doftrine of a Paffive Inftrumentality ofthe Aet of faith (and that in a Mo l Kk 2