z ral reception ofrighteoufnels which is but a relation, yet calling it Phyfical) is the very bottom of the great di fiance between us in thepoint of juflification : So I am of opinion that I may more freely diffent from a brother in fuch tricis philofophicis then in an Article of faith : Elpecially having the greateft Philo%pliers on my fide s and allo Peeing how little accord there is among themfelves,that they are almofi fo Many men, fo many minds : and when I find them profefling as Combacchius inpraf,adPhyf.that they write again(1 their own fence to pleafe others., (rquodmaxìmarn opinionrrm in lib. contentarumpartem non jamprobarct j b Ari/lo'e- tern non de normam veritates,and wifhing ut tandem ali g'tando exurgat altquis qui per.fethora nobis principia mori- firet:and toconclude as he, falßtateM ópinionum& fe a- tentiRrurné. fcientiai umViperfetionem jam prides vi- deo (ed in verit.ite docen a deficia. Et .Nulli ar t paucis certe minus me fatisfaUurum ac mihi fat fcio. And howmany new Methods and Do trines of Philofo}shy this'one age bath produced " And I am fo far lceptical my felf herein, as CO think with Scali- ger (ibid cit.) Nos inflar vuipis d Ciconia delufa vitreum v.is lam.here. pultem baud a2tinq.ere. But I believe not that in any Mailer point in Divinity , God hath left his Church at fuch an utter lots ,. nor hanged the faith and falvat ion of every honed ordinary Chriftian upon meer uncertain Philófophical fpeculations. I do not think that Pail knewwhat a PafSivg inflam/a was s much lets [ an aé that was phyfically pafsivein its inflrumentalìtyin a moral caufction.] You muff give me leave to remainconfident that Paul built not his Do- ¿trine of juflification on fuch a philofophical founda:a tionì,