Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(Z53) tion, till you have brought one Scripture to prove that faith is an infirument, and fuch an .inflrument ; which can neither be done. Efpecially when the fame Paul profeffeth that he came not to declare the Teflimony of God, rcx6' -p_xrì ,,bye ; 6-41,ís : and that he determined not to know any thing among them fave lefus Chrift and him crucified ; and that his fpeech and preaching was not c2-76,63,;d' 9p.Ap,1;TO ;ixS762m) that fo their faith might not (land v 0-07,í ÿ«rOpúonn: &that he (poke the my. items of theGofpel x;(, GV áal ictk,7015 drece4,-Tívn cor;If },oy06521'Al, GV 411PoLXI'L S e P'ef2 lot c ie; 2JPStrttst71 í01S 7114d(1.7lXà QV)kPIé,OvT,S, Y Cdr. 2. I am paft doubt therefore that to thruft fuch Philofophical diaates into our Creed or Confeífion , and make them the very touchftone of Orthodoxcefs in others, is a dangerous prefumptuous adding to the Dotrine of the Gofpel, and a making of a new Do- trineofjuflification and falvation, to the great wrong of the Prophet and Lawgiver ofthe Church. I was evennow reading learned zanchius proof that believers before Chrift didby their fáith receiveChrifts flefh,or humane nature (as promifed and future) as well as the Divine, and his heavy cenfure of the con- trary Doctrine, as vile andunfufferable; which occafio- neth me to add this were , Whether that believing was a phyfical reception; N hen the object had nò real being or did not exift e Or whether weer morral reception ( by Accepting Choofing, Contenting ) as a people receiving the Kings Heires for their future Governours before they are born 3 or as we, receive a man for our King, whodv.els far out of our fight Or as Princes wives do tire to take them both for. their Husbands and Soveraign Lords,, even Kk 3