Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

C244- ) in their . 'úßn Native Countrey , before they come to fiRht of the man ; the match being both driven orband made, and the marriage or contract performed and imperfectly folernnized at that diftance by an Em- ba fador or Delegate juft fo do we receive Chriff, (whofe humane nature is far off, and his Divine out of our light) tobe our Saviour, Soveraign (by redempti- on) and Husband; even here inour native Country 5 the match being moved to us by his Embaífadors and imperfetly folemni-zed uponour cordial content, and giving up our felves to him by our Covenant : (but it (hall be perfectly folemnized at the great Mar- riage of the Lamb. This is my faith of the nature of true juftifying faith ; and the manner of its receiving Chrifte THE