Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

DISPVTXTION, Proving the Necefsity of a two,fold Righteoufnefs to fuJ1cuion and Salvation. And defending this and many other Truths about IufhïfyingFaith, its Objet and Of- fice, againfl the confident,but dark Affaults of Mr. lohn Warner. By " ichardBaxter. Aas s. 31. HimbathGadaxaltedwith his right hand a Prince and 4 Saviour, to give .Repentance unto Ifrael, andfore givenefs of fns. Rom.4. 22, 238 4.. And therefore it was imputed to him'for ltighteoufnets .Now uwadnot written for his fake alone that it w Imputedto -bim but for us alp; towhom it /hall be .Imputed; ifwe Believe on,him that raiftdup lefus our Lord, from the dead ; who was delivered for our e'en andwas railedagainforour yußi fcation. LONDÖN, 'Printedby l .w. for Nevil Sininions,loök feller in Ke deminfier,and are tobe foldby him there , and by Nonka- niel E,kins,at theGun in TaubChurchyard, 1658.