Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

Queftion. Whether Pelides the cNiçh. teournefi Chrift Imputed, there be a. Terfinat Evangelical Aigî%z. neceJJar y to fullification and Salva- tion? Affirm. Hough it bath pleafed a late Opponent ( Mr. Warr) to make theDefence of this Propo- fition neceffary to me; yet I fhall fuppofe that .1 may be allowed tobe brief, both becaufeof what I have formerly laid of it, and becaufe theQueftion is fo eafily decided and Chri- ftians are fo commonly agreed on it. For the right underfianding of what we here maintain, its neceffary that I explain the Terms, and remove confufion by fome neceffary diftindions, and laydownmy fenfe inforce Pro. pofitions that MakC to the opening ofthis. To trouble you withthe Etymologies of the words in feveral Languages that lignifie Righteaufneft or?unification would be a needlefs lofs of time, it being done to our hands by fomany,,and webeing fo far agreed on it, that here lyeth no part of our pie- fentscontfoverfie. L I 2, The