Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

The FormofRighteoufnefa fignified by the nitñehRelative, asftrait or.crooktd is._(For it is not the Habit ofJuftice,by which . we give every man his own, that is the subje& of. our on ; but Righteoufnefsin aJudicial or Legal fenfe;.) - r. R-igh-' teáufnefs is either of the caufe, or of theperfon. Not that thefe are fiabjects actually fepárated but dftinit, the one being fubor- dinate to theother. The caffe is thenearef fubje&, andfo far as it is jraft and juftifiable, fo far theperfon isjug and juftifi.+ble. Yet the perfon mayothertbife be juft and juftifred, whenoneof many caufes are<unjuátfyable. 2. Righteoufnefs is denominated either from aRelation to the preceptof the Law , or to the Sanc`lion.. To be righteous in-Re- lation to the Precept, is to beconferee to that Trecept ; An on or.D fj ofitien conformto the Precept, is called a Righteous Aetiort or Difpofition : and from thence the perfanbeing fo far conform, is calleda Rigbteaut perfon : And"fo this Righteoufnefs,' as to the polities precept, is his obeying it ; and as to theprobibì- tián, it is his innocency, contrary to that guilt,which we call Rea- tug culpa. Righteotefnef, as a Relation to the .Saníl àrn is eithera Relaè tion to the ('a,xtnination and penal A&ofthe Law,or to thepro- :ritoryor Premiant A1. As to the former, Righteoufnefs is no- rhitsg, .but theNot-duenefs of the punifhr»ent , contrary to the. Reatu, ¡Arndt, as it refpecas the execution ; and fo A not being li- able toeondensnation, as it refpe&s-the fentence. Thiswis fore time. founded inthe perlons Innocency Taft mentioned fore-. Rime on a, freepardonor acquittance .:fometime on fatisfiUton trade by.himfelf: uni fometime on fat ifet1i-onby,another,eon-: jun& with freepardon(which is our cafe.) Righteoufnefs as a Relation to the Pronlife, or Premiant part of theSan&ion, is nothingbutour Right to the Rewjrd, Gifts orBene(It, aspleadable and juftifyable ìßa ford. Which fometime is fou :ded in merit ofour own; fo netime in a freeGift : fóme- rime in the merit ofanotber,conjunE1 with freeGift, which is out . cafe, (other cafesconcern usnot) This lai mentioned, is Righ- teotefnefs as a Relation tothe fubflaaceof the 'Promife or Gift s Bue whenthe.l'ronsife, or Gi ft,or reflanoent, or Premiant Law conditionals as in, ourcafe it is, theta there is another -fore of