(z6i) Weiteôafnefsneeeffary , which is Related tei the /Wantprs- wilionit, and that is, The performance of thecondition : which if it be not properlycalled Righteoufnefs Ethically, yet civilly in a,. 7rrdiciary fenfe it is, when itcomes to be the caufe tobe tryedd and :Judged-, whether the perfonhave performed the condition,, thenhis caufe is jutt or un juif, and.;.he juft or unjutb:.in that refpe& 3 Rtbteasifnefs is either Vniverfal, as ro all cures that the:- peFfon can beconcerned in :.or. it is onlyparticular, as to forne aides only, and fobutfec,sndun, quidto the perfon... 4. A' particular Righteouf refs mayeither be fuch as the total welfare ofa.man depends on; or it maybeof lefs and ineonf- derable moment. When a caufe.fsibordânate to the retain coif, is Righteous, this may be called a fubordinate Rigbtsoufnefs. But if it be_ pert of themaincaufe, it is a partial rrtkteeufnere co-ordinate.. I will -not trouble you with fn exati-a difquifition of the Na.:. tureof Righteoufnefs-and `Jultification as I ìudge fit in it felfÇÇ., bothbecáufe I have.a littleheretofore attempted it,and becaufe h in d it-blamed 'as puzling curiofityor needlefs diftinguifhing ThoughY`am not of that-mind; yet I have nominde to be trou fome Asfcir theterm?uffi(cation, T. It either may fignifte the At of'' t e Lá1V:or-Pro,nife : or the fentence ofthe fudge : or the Exe,.- cutionofthat f ntence; For oneofrhefe three fences theword.' may fill be reduced as we fba'll have todo with it ; thatis,; to:' confti'ttetive,orfentential;or Executive Jul?ification ; though the... fentence is.moft properly fo called. To thefe, juftificationby Plea, Wttnefs,&c. arefnbfervient. 7Nfï>i(:cation iseither oppofed to a falft Accufation, or to a true. bout cafe, jùftificationr¡s either according,to:the LaW-of i ü'orkj, or to theLA* of Grace. I think we (ball at this time have nogreat- need' to oft' any morediflinßions then there few and therefore,.L will add more aboutthis Teri. Astotbe"term" j_ Evangelical3' Righteoufnefs may be focal.-" lied iiafour-fold feafe, I. Eitherbesaufe it is-=that righte ff L:fl ete4tz