0246) sbc romife. aril?hashmade over to rst bimfelfwith bis imputed RighteonfnefsandKingdoms, on condition that we repent and be- lieve in "bim. Prop. i z. it cannot then bedenied ti, t Faith andRepentance be- ingboth the Dazy commanded ..4,11 t-'3e Condition required and performed,are ttii!y a particular fpecial Righteoufnefs, fubordi- nate to Chriíf and his Righceoufnefs , inorder to our further participation ofhim,and frarn P :op. 12 end1,;illy its p aff difpsstë that this perfonal Righ; teoufnefs of Faith and Repentance, it not to be called a Le- gal, brit an Evangelical Righteoufnefs, becaufeitisthe Gofpel thatboth commandeth them, and promifeth life to thofe that per- form them. Thus :bethinks all that I defire is granted already : what Ad- verfary could a man dream of among Proteflants in Inch a Cade?Agreement feemeth toprevent thenece(i tyofa further Difpute. Tobe yet briefer,and bring it nearer an Iffue If any thing ofthe mainTheir here be denyed, it mugbe oneof there three things. It. That there is any filch thing as Faith Repen- tance or San&ification. z,. Or that they fhould be celled an Evangelicalper /onal R:ghteaufnefr. 3. Or that they are nett= fary to Yuf1i cation and S:alvtason : The firnt is de exiflen- tie r "es : The fecond is de nomi:oe The third is de Hfrr cne. The firfi no man but.a Heathenor Infidel will deny. And for the fecond , that this name is fit for it, I prove by parts. a...It may and muff be called A Righteonfnefs. ..."e.4Perfonsl Righteoufnefs. 3. an Evangelical Rsghteoref- nefo. $. AsRigbteoufnefs fignifieth"the F .abir by which wegive to all their own, fo this is Rigbteoufnefs For in Regeneration the foul ishabituated to give up it felitoGod as his own, and togive upall we have tobbim, and co love and ferve all where this love and fervicedoth require it. Ño true habit is fo excellent ais that which is given inRegeneration. 'I. -' The/inure performanceof theDonee required of us by the .