(271) bejwfiified topint oflaw, is nothing elfe then to bejuflfrable,or juft ficandue, byfentence and execution according to that Law : fo that its clear that aperfonal Righteoufaefi, qua tab's, is necef- fary to f ification, andnot onlyqua talù ; though this he be- yondour Qá ftion in hand, and therefore i add it but for elaaci- dation and ex abundanti. Obje&. z. Ifthü be then wenare righteousbefore God dote jrtftifie them,.. Xnfrv. i. Not with that Righteoufnefs by .which he juftifieth them. z. Not Righteoufnefs limply, abfolutely or univerfally, but only fe^undum qstd, with a particular :tl ghte_ oufnefs 3. This particular Righteoufnefs is but themeans to poíìfefs themof Chrifts Righteoufnefs, by which they are mate- rially and fully juftified 4. There isnota moments diftance of time between them For as foon as we believe and repent we aremade partakersofChrift and his Righteoufnefs, by a meer trefultancy from the Promife of the (jape!. 5. Who de- nyeth that we have Faith and Repentance before Juftifica.. taon. i' Obje&. 3., But according to this Doárine the are juftifed before we are juftified For be that is Righteous ra canfli- tutedpoll, andfo isjuffifiable iu yudgement, rhich is to bejuflifed inLaw. i4nfw. Very true,: But we areas is faid, made juft or ju`fi fled but with aparticular, and not an univerfal Righteoufnefs which will not donominate the perfon fimplya Righteous or ja&ified perfon : we are fo far curedof ourformer Infidelity and Tmpenitency, that we are true penitent Believers before our fins are pardonedby thePromife : and fo we are inorder of nature (not of time) firft jufifiable againft the falfe 4ccsr- fation, that we are impenitent 4believers, before-weate juíh- fiable againft the true ascufaion of all our ßi, and defert of Hell. He that by inherent Faithand Repentance is not firft juaifiable.againfi the former falle - charge, cannot by the blood and