0273) to be my Duty to defend : which of us is guided by the light': of God,I mutt leave to the illuminated to judge,when they have comparedour Evidence. (.2/1"r. W. I no* come to/hew that both thefekinds ofRiehte. oufñefr, Legal and Evangelical, are not abfolutely neeefary'o , u/li cations. do undertake the 2cgat.roe , and will endeavour to prove it by thefe demonfration. Argu- ment i. If thi`ngs in themfelves contradiaory cannot be afcri6- edto thefame perfon or #. ion, then both thefekind% of Rigbtcouf- ref are not abfolutely'neceffary to make up our 7ttfiifacatien ; Brit things in them[elves contradillory cannot be afcribed to the fßme perm or a£licnr,Therefore--The legued ù thenprovedby Paul. If it beef Works, it to no more of Grace : ifofGrace, then it'z no more of works. What are therefore ehefe two kins of Righ- tcoufnefr,but cuntradielory to each other? And therefore itfeemeth illogical Theologie topredicate the"?' ofthefameperfon or ad,c.1 z. pag154 Anfw. Reader, I crave thy pardoin for troubling thee with the Confutation of fifth Impertinencies that are called Di» monfirations : It is I that have the bigger part of the trouble : But how fhould I avoid it without wrong to the Truth ? See- ing ( would you think it ! ) there are tome Readers that cannot difcern the vanity of filch Arguit gs without Aff- fance. 1. What a grofs abufe is this to begin with , to conclude that thefe two forts of Righteoufnefs are not neccff4ry[to rxa.e up]our iu171lcation,when the ielion was only whether they are neceffiry [ to] our 7ufificarion. [ p ] exprc'ff. th the proper caufalityof the conflirutive c,aules, ( matter and form, ) and not of the efficient or final ; much lets the Inte- rellof all other means, fuch as a condition is. So that I grant him his conclufion,takingJuftificarion as we now do Our Faith or Repentance goeth not to make it up. And yet on the by, I (hall add;that if any man will needs take Juftification, for Sanctification, or as the Pepiftç do ccn=- prehenfiveiy for Sane` i1cation and Pardon both (as fc, me Pio- Nn ttfranc