(174) tenant Divines think it is ufed in force few Texts ) in that large fcnfe our Faith and Repentance are part of our ju°.tifying Righteoufnefa. But I do not foufe the word, ( Though Phi_ lip Çodarcus have writ at large for it. ) 2.1 deny his Confequence : And how is it proved? 3y reciting Paull words,Rom. z i 6. Which contain not any of the terms w thequeflion.Paul (peaks ofEle&ion: we of Juftification(though that difference I regard nor. ) Paul fpeaks of work!, and we fpeak of Evangelical Faith andRepentance. In a word there- fore I an1wer. The works that P401 fpeaks ofare inconfiftent with Grace in Juftification ( though not contraditory, but contrary, what ever Mr. W.fay:) but Faith and Repentance are not chofe works ; and therefore no contrariety is hence proved. Here is nothing therefore but a ralh Af ertion of Mr. «. to prove thefe two forts of Righteoufnefs contra- diaory. Be judge all Divines and Christians uponearth : Did you ever hear before from a Divine or Chriftlan, that imputed and inherent Righteoufnefs, or juftification and Sanáification,or Chrifis fulfilling the Law for us, and our believing the Gofpel and repenting were contradi&ory in thetnfelvcs ? Do not all that believe the Scripture believe that we have a perfonal Righteoufnefs, a true Faith and Repentance, aril mutt ful- fill the Conditions of the Promife ; and that in refpeci to thefe the Scripture calls us Righteous ? ( as is before proved.) Mr. W.2. Ifthe perfor, jufiifïeà is of loimfelf unrodl ', thenLe- 4eil and Evanyelical Rigiteoufnrfs are not both abfollrt,ely nectfa- ry to our 7,41 fiction ; But the perfon jrtflïfed (confrdering hum the ac`s.` of j4Jtfyingjís f ,the a ora. -- -The .Sequel is undeny- able; becayfe he Who is ungodly is Wt Lt aAy Righteosr , and that the perjon rao'cv to be jrtjlified is aangoc.'tt,i,r exprefs Scripture, Rom. 4,i. But to hum th..t t'rorketh not, kit belic'veth.n hires that jo!..Veth.the ozgad:' k is faith is counted for riiioteorrfw . An . .i fuppofe the Reader underftandeth that the Le- gal or .rathe Pro-legal Righteoufnefs; that I plead for, is Chritis Melits ._....+: