(5) as thePapifts do : ( though we deny not but fometime the word' may be found in Scripture in foram luth fenfe : ) For thus it is pail controverfi`, that our juiiification, that is, our fantificati- on as CO, all that followeth faith, is as much, if not much more, from our belief in Chrift as Teacher andKing, as from our be- lief inhim as a Ranfome, But by Juílification we mean that Relative Change which Proteflants ordinarily mean by this word ; which we need not here define. The Prepofition B) ] (when we fpeak of being -juflified by faith ) is not by all men taken in the fame fenfe. Firft, Some- time its tiledmore ftridly and limitedly to lignifie only an effi- ciency,or the lntereft of an Efficient caufe. And thus forneDi- vines do feem to take it, when they fay that we are jullified by faith in Chrifts blood and Righteoufnefs, andnot by faith in him as a Teacher or a Lord : which occafioneth the Papifis to fay our difference is wider then indeed it is : For theword [ B. bath an ambiguity : and in their fence, we yield their Negative though not their Affirmative, in the laft-mentioned conclufion. Secondly, Sometime the word ¡ By] is ufed to lignifie a Condi- tionality, or the Intereft of a condition only in fpecial. And thus we take it when we explain our felves in what manner it is that weare juftified by faith, and by thefe qutftioned ads in particular. And therefore thofe Protef}ants that difpute againft us who are for the Affirmative, do (if I underfiand them) deny only the propriety of the phrafe which weufe, but not the thing or fenfe which we express by it ; for they grant that thefe ads of faith are Conditions of our Juftific'ation, when they have never fomuch difputed, that we are not juftified by them, and fo a fmall fyllableof two letters, is much of the matter-of their con- troverfie. Thirdly, fomerime this word is ufed to lignifie the Intercft of any other caufe as well as the Efficient, and that either general- ly, or efpecialiyoffome one. T his Paper is white By the white- nefs as the formalcaufe : we are moved to a godly life By God and falvation as the final caufe &c. Fourthly, Sometime the term [ By J. is taken yet more largely ( and fitly enough ) for all or any gleans in General, . or the intereft of an, means in the att inment of the End. And 13 3 fo