Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

( 6 ) fo it comprehendeth all Caufesd, even thofe Per accidens and Conditions as well as Caufes, an all that doth but remove im- pediments. And in this cornprehen :ve fenfe we take it here in the Qaeftion, though when we come to determine what is the fpecial Intereft of faith in Juniication, I take it in the fecond fenfe. Take notice alfa, That I purporely here life this phrafe E weare Junified 13,, Believing, or by Faith ] raher than thefe, ¡unifying faith ] or Faith doth mnifie us. j And I here foretell you,that if !Intl at any timeufe thefe laft expreffions, as led to it by chafe with whom I deal it is but in the fenfe as is hereafter explained. The Reafons why I chook to flick to this phrafe, rather then other, are; Fa, Becaufe this only is the Scripture phrafe, and the other is not found in scripture ( that I remember ) It is never faid, that Faith doth jufti- fieus -I though it be laid that we are ¡unifiedby faith. And if any will affirm that I may ufe that phrafe which is not found in Scripture, be cannot fay. I muft ufe it. And in a Controverted cafe, efpecially about fuch Evangelical truth the fafety of adhering to scripture phrafe, and the danger of departing from it is fo difcernable, ( and fpecially when men Make great ufeof their unfcriptural phrafes for the countenan- cingof their opinions, ) I have the more reafon to be caute- Ions. Secondly, Becaufe the phrafes are not alwaies of one and the fame fignification.The one is more comprehenfive then the other, if firiftly taken. To be ¡unified by faith 1 is a phrafe extenfive to the Intereft of any Medium whatfoever: And there are Mediawhich are not Caufes. But when we fay that Faith cloth ¡uflifie us ] or call it [ ¡unifying Faith ] we ex.. prefs a Caufality, if we take the wordaridly. Though this Ian phrafe may fignifie the Intereft of a bare Condition, yet not fo properly and without Draining as the former. The Re- verend Author of the feond Treatife of Junification, is ofthe fame mind as ro the ufeof the termsbut he conjectures another reafon for the Scripture ufe, then I (hall ever be perfwaded of, viz, that it is becaufe Crel'ere is not Aere, but Pati ; to Believe is to S Pr, and not to AE that it is a grammaticK11 AClion, but Pk7fic4lly a Paffion. Though think this no truer, then