Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

ever I heard fromof this poiñt, till now : For they all confers that faith inChrift as Lord and Teacher, and Head, &c. is the fides pea juflificat, or is of neceflity to be prefent with the believing in his blood, that a man maybe ¡unified. Ne- ver did I hear till now that we firft believe in. Chrift as dying only, and fo are juftified before we believe in him as Lord, ( and it feerns before we are his Subjects or Difciples,and that is before we are Chtiftians.) 2. To your proof ofthe Minor I anfwer, r, Ic is noproof becaufe the Text faith only that, E No man can call him Lord bat by the Spirit j but our quefti- on is of Believing, andnot of Calling which is (onfefng. 2. Many Expofitors take it but foracommon gift of the Spi- ri'c thats there fpoken of : and do you think Juftification mul} needs precede fuch common gifts ? 3. But if it had been [Relieve in Headof CaN 1, its nothing for you : For I eafily grant that no man can believe in Chrift as Lord but by the Spi- rit : but I deny that this gift oftheSpirit is never received, till after that we believe and are ¡unified. And becaufe it feems you judge that Believing in Chrift to Juftiñcation is without the Spirit, I pray anfwer firft what we have laid againft the Arminianr, and flugnftine againft the Pelagians for the `con- trary. Who would have thought that you had held fuch a point? 4. How could you wink fo hard as not to fee that your Argument is as much againft your felf as me , if you do but turn it thus ? [ If none can call Chrift yefm,orthe Saviour, or believe in him to 7ußiftcation, before he be juflifaed by faith,, then faith as juflif)ing is not the accepting him as a Saviour : The c.. Minor is proved, becaufe none can call hire jefus, or be- lieve to juftification but by the Spirit ] This is as wife and thong an. Argument as the other, and all one. See i lob. 4. T5. & 5.5. Believing in Chrift as Saviour is as much of the Spirit, s believing in him as Lord. 5. The Text makes againft you (r car, 12.3.) For there when Paul would denominate the trueChriflian faith or Confefiion, hemaketh.Chrift as. Lord the Object. Mr. W. Argument 13. If thepro rife of Salvation be the proper ohjefl ofjuftjfyittg faith, then not the coorrhodef 'Chriß Lorda'dLaW- river. ur_ rgo. Ant:,