Baxter - BT763 B397 1658

(301) enft%. T. The conclufion is nothing toour Queftion,which . is not of Commands, but of Chrift as Lord. It may be you know nodifference between theRelation and fubfequent Du- ties, between the Authority and the Command, between fub_ je&ionand obedience. 2. The Minor is falfe, If by proper, you mean Only ( and if not , the confequence is vain and null. j For the Perfonof Chrift, and his Offices and the fruits of his Office, evenPardon, yea and Glory , are the true Ob- jects of juftifying Faith. .Mr. W. Argument T 4. Ifwe are not jsaffified both by Righ- teoufnefa inherent and Imputed , then not by obeying Chrifi as Lordand Law-giver. But----Ergo. Anfw. Whats this to theQueftion ? 1. About jollificati- on by Righteoufnefs Imputed or Inherent we fpoke before. 2. Theconclufion never was acquainted withour Qeftion ? Again it feems you cannot or will not diftinguvfh between Re- lative fubjaion and aaual obedience. A man may become your fervant and fo have the Priviledges of a fervant, by cove- nant, beforebe obey you. Awoman in Marriage may fubjec4 herfelfto you, and have Intereft in your, share even by that Marriage which promifeth fubje&ion aswell as Love(withouti excluding the firft from being any condition ()flier Intereft; ) and all this before the obeyyou, 3. Your confequence would followas much againft your felfas me.' For Believing in Chrift as a Ranfom, is as truly a.particular Inherent Righteoufnefs, as believingin him as Lord. 4. We are juftified by Righteouf- nefs Inherent as a particular righteoufnefs, thoughnot as a 11, niverfal : as fubordinate to Chrifts Righteoufnefs that it may be ours, though not inco- ordinationwith ir. Mr. W. Argument i s. Ifour accepting of Chrift as Lord and Law-giver benot properly or formally faith , nor properly to becalled obedience, then We are not formally jufli fled by faith in him at Lord, nor by our obedience to him as Lord. But fetch an accepting of him z not properly, or in theaccount ofGod, or in it (2,(1 3 fe/f