(3 o2) felf Faith or obedience. Ergo. TheMinor 1 prove cif pur- pojes, intentirns, or verbal profefons to believe or obey are not properly faith or obedience, then fuch an accepting z not faith or obedience. TheMinor proved. That which is or maybe found in Hypocrites or Reprobates is not true faith or obedience. B u---Ergo. .Anflt. The Lord pardon the hardnefs of my heart that bath no more compafíionate fenfe of the miferies ofthat poor Church , and the diIhonour of God which filth Difputes as this proclaim ; by Arguments as fie to be anfwered by Tears as by words. s. A little before he was proving (Argument i z. ) that none couldcall Chrift Lord but by the Spirit and there- fore this aft was after Juftification And now he provetb that its common toHypocrites, &Reprobates. 2. Here he de- livereth me from all the trouble and fallacy that thedif1intlion of fides qua Jrefificat and fides qua7uffificat, hath been guilty of. For if the at that we difpute about beno faith at, all, then it isnot the fides qux. And yet heoften is upon the =0u4 Juffifccanr himfelf, forgetting this. 3. Had I but delivered fuch a Doctrine as this, what fhould I have heard ? Jufifying faith hath three Parts, ASSENT. CONSENT, and AFFIANCE , ( which alto have feveral acts or parts, according to the divers effential parts of the Ob -.. ject.) ASSENT is but Initial and introductory to the rat, as all acts of the Intellect are to thofe of the Will. CON- SENT is the fame which we here call ACCEPTING, which is but the meer VOLITION denominated from its refpect to theoffer and thing offered. This, as it is in thewill the commanding Faculty, fo is it as it were the Heart of Faith ; the firfl act being but to lead in this, and AFF IAN(E the third, being commanded much by this , or depending on it : For as it is feated in the Affeetions, fo far it is distinct from this Veils or CONSENT. Now when ever we name Faithby anyone of there three acts ( as the Scripture Both from everyone) we include themall, though to avoid tedi- oufnefs we (sand not toname all the parts, when ever by one word we exprefs the whole. And all there Acts have whole Christ