(304) that bad the common Reafon to write but fuch a book as this, muff needs fee this if he regard what he laid. And therefore I mull take it for granted that his Argument is againit both alike : even to prove that Accepting of Chrift as Lord, or as Saviour, is no faith or obedience at all. But the Reader will hardly believe till he weigheth it, that a waking man would reafon thus upon fuch a Queftion as this in hand. 5. Confenting thatChrift (hall be my Lord and Teacher, and Head, doth imply a confent, and fo a Purpofe of future obeying, learning and receiving from him ; And fo confent. ing that Chrift flaall be my Righteoufnefs Interceífor, and Juftifier doth imply a Purpofe of Trufting in him for the future. And yet this content in both cafes is juftifying faith. 6. And its doleful! Dotrine (were he a true Prophet) to all Gods Church, that Purpojes and Intentions to believe and obey, areno more then may befound in Hypocrites or Reprobates. For though there are fuperficial uneffeC ual purpofes and In- tentions in them, as there is an uneffe&ual faith in them ; yet if no Purpofes and Intentions will prove men Saints, then no- thing in this world will prove them Saints ; For the Evidences of Grace are more certain to him that bath them, in theHeart then in the outward At`tions. And in the Heart, the very new Creature lyethmuch in thefe two. Delires themfelves will prove true Grace : Much more when they rife to fetled Pur- pofes. Why elfe did Barnaba exhort the young beginners, that [With purpofe of Heart they Jhould cleaa#e unto the Lord] as intimating that their liability lay in this ; And Intentions are the very Heart ofthe Newman. For Intention is that act that is exercifed about the End, which is God himfelf. Inter- dere finem, is nomore then Belle vet Amare Deum ; It is the Love of God.above all. And if this be common to Hypo- crites and Reprobates, what a cafe are we in then ? Ilaope I have givenyou a fufficient account of the Imperti- nency and vanity of Mr.warners fifteen Arguments. Towhich he adjoyneth a rabble of the words of Socinians, Arminian:, and 1 knownot who, to affure you that we his new Adverfa- ries, joynwith thatcompany and plead their caule : And he